pourriez vous me corriger cette lettre d'anglais. C'est une lettre de motivation pour un stage dans un studio de film (c'est un devoir en anglais, c'est pas la réalité ;) ) Firstly, I'm very interested about your work placemet and I would like to work whith you. In fact, Since I was little, I wish work in a film studio. Indeed, I'm good at inventing scenarios, creating original characters and working in team but I also very good at cumputing. For exemple, I can copy a DVD or download an Mp3 file. I've also already created a blog where I put there all my créations (films...). So, il you are interested about my blog, you can go to [email protected] and discover my passion. Then, with you, I wanted to uncover new things that I don't yet and I hope that you will teach me more about movies and animation technology. Finally, you saw whith this latter that cinema is my passion. So, I think that I am the teenagers that you need. yours faithfully Lore
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" I AM also good at computing" Non ? et With. ^^ et " if" pas "il" mais c'est surement une faute de frappe. ^^
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et sinon, pour les correction, y'as le site language tool; ça ne te corrige pas le texte mais te montre tes erreurs et les expliques ! Tu n'as qu'a sélectionné l'anglais, puis copié ton texte a l'espace fait pour. ^^
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