Pouvez vous m'aidez s'il vous plait je voudrait traduire sa en anglais:
"Salut, Eagen comment ça va ? Moi ça va tres bien !! Pour moi les cours ne se passe pas tres bien j'ai des difficulter en Maths, Science Physique, Anglais. Mai je suis forte en Francais, Musique, et arts plastique !! Au college nous, nous habillons comme nous voulaons a part qu'on à pas le droit de porter des tenues vulgaire ! Je n'aime pas mon emploie du temps je le trouve trop charger !! J'ai 3 heures d'anglais dans la semaine, 5 heures de maths, 3 heure d'espagnole, 4heure d'histoire... Je doit te laisser bye.." VOILA LE TEXTE A TRAUIDRE !! mercii pour ce qui le feront
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Hi, Eagen how are you ? I'm very well ! For me the courts doesn't take place very well I have difficulty in Math, Natural Science, English. But I am good at French, Music, and visual arts ! We in school we dress how we want has a share that we can't wear dresses vulgar! I don't like my employ of time I too much finds him to load ! I have 3 hours of English in the week, 5 hours of math, the 3 hours of Spanish, the 4 hours of history... I has to leave you bye.. "
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Bonne traduction de Ziaaddu13 mais des erreurs : * difficulties *plastic arts
*In my school, we can dress ourself as we want expected that you can't wear vulgar dresses !
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For me the courts doesn't take place very well I have difficulty in Math, Natural Science, English.
But I am good at French, Music, and visual arts !
We in school we dress how we want has a share that we can't wear dresses vulgar!
I don't like my employ of time I too much finds him to load !
I have 3 hours of English in the week, 5 hours of math, the 3 hours of Spanish, the 4 hours of history... I has to leave you bye.. "