Bonjour. J'avais une rédaction sur les fantômes et les châteaux à faire, en anglais. Voici, ce que j'ai fait. Ce sera vraiment gentil de me corriger. Surtout les verbes. Cursed Castle. 2016. The ghost of the Cursed Castle has reappeared. Indeed, the corpse of a young boy, called Ezra has been found at the foot of this haunted castle. Like all the other boys, before him, he « fell » from the summit of this fortress. Which is unlikely, since nobody ventures there. Some people say that a ghost roams there, and others think rather of suicides. Me, I was neutral. Until the day, one of my friends challenged me to visit the famous Cursed Castle. As all the boys, I wanted to prove my courage and my bravery to my friends. And I accepted the challenge, with determination. When I arrived in front of the castle, which is in the United States (Nevada), I admit that I was scared. The huge Cursed Castle, of dark colors, stood in front of me, such a monster ready to attack me. A small path sprinkled with red roses could lead us to the mansion. Around me, there were only trees. They seemed so menacing with their branches who flew away at the slightest breeze. Shaking, in spite of me, I moved slowly when it started to rain. There was no other shelter, and I was obliged to take refuge in the castle. Inside, everything was covered in white and dusty sheets. We could see cobwebs here and there. Overhanging the whole hall, an enormous chandelier was producing dim light. Red roses were strewn on the ground forming a kind of way to follow. Curious, I followed these flowers. I had to climb the stairs before arriving in a corridor immersed in darkness. There were countless doors, all the same, in both rows. One of them was ajar. Suddenly, I heard a song so melodious and soothing that I forgot all fear and anxiety. As if I was going to be rescued. I smile blissfully. I hurried towards the open door. It will lead me nearby my savior. My sweetheart. It was a kind of slope. I was running. Within a few minutes, I finally saw her. With her brown floating hair, her eyes full of love, her almost transparent complexion, she was perfect. She was my destiny, my love. She hadn't feet and was seeming to « float ». But, I closed my eyes to these details. After all, love is blind! She told me to approach. Until I was at the edge of the summit of the Cursed Castle. All of a sudden, her eyes were transformed. Red, full of hatred. A thunderstorm struck, in the sky. I've found my senses, but too late. Aaron K. 1816. I loved Nael. He was good looking, he had a smile to die for. Poorer than me, I still loved him, wholeheartedly. But, he betrayed me. Betrayed with this pest, which is Sakira. He frequented me just because I was the daughter of the rich Hunter. He wanted my property, my money. Sakira claimed her innocence and said that she didn't know anything about Nael's plans. But, he loved her. She couldn't live any longer. Therefore, I killed them. Sakira, strangled to death and Nael, pushed from the summit of my castle. Boys are all the same. Liars. Cowards. On this, I'm going to suicide. I have no reason to remain alive. I wanted to write these last lines in my personal diary because... because. Sometimes, there is simply no reason. Eden H.
On m'a demandé de décrire quelque chose. Voici mon texte, et merci de me le corriger et dire s'il est bon. Le printemps :« Le paysage qui s'offrait à moi était si paradisiaque, que je ne saurais vous le décrire parfaitement. Dans le ciel gris, dont les nuages s'écartaient pour laisser place au Soleil, un arc en ciel trônait majestueusement. Ses couleurs brillaient sous l'effet de la luminosité du soleil, qui me frappait aux yeux. Il y avait aussi des oiseaux tropicaux qui voletaient au-dessus de ma tête, et chantaient mélodieusement. Devant moi, des arbres fleurissaient, dans lesquels des fruits prenaient déjà place. Il y avait des pommes rouge et vert, qui semblaient si bonnes que je ne pus m'empêcher d'en croquer une. Son goût mélangé à l'aigre, et au sucré était si bon que je m demandais si elle ne venait pas du Paradis, lui-même. Perdue dans mes pensées, je ne fis pas attention et mis mon pied dans la boue verdâtre et brunâtre, et en regardant par terre, je vis qu'à part cela, il y avait de fleurs multicolores. Je me baissais, et sentis un arôme qui pourrait charmer n'importe qui, même ceux qui sont allergiques aux fleurs. Je vis un lilas mauve et violet, dont les pétales ruisselaient de l'eau. Je la touchais et m'aperçus qu'elle était aussi douce que la soie provenant de la Chine. De derrière j'entendis un vrombissement, qui en fait, était d'un tracteur bleu ciel qui récoltait le blé doré d'un pré jauni. Le printemps est, enfin, là ! »

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