Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait sur le livre " La Princesse de Clèves , de Mme de Lafayette". Merci pour votre aide Les questions suivent l’ordre du texte, seule la première correspond à la section résumée à la page précédente. 1. Sous le règne de quel souverain Mme de Lafayette écrit-elle ? Précisez le siècle. Sous quel règne l’intrigue du roman commence-t-elle ? Précisez l’année. 2. Pour quelle raison le prince de Clèves craint-il ne pas pouvoir épouser Mlle de Chartres ? Quel est le véritable obstacle ? 3. Pour quelles raisons le chevalier de Guise craint-il ne pas pouvoir épouser Mlle de Chartres ? Quelle est la véritable raison ? 4. À qui Mme de Chartres veut-elle marier sa fille ? Qui la soutient dans ses négociations ? Qui s’y oppose ? 5. Pourquoi le prince de Clèves est-il « heureux, sans être néanmoins entièrement content » de son mariage avec Mlle de Chartres ? 6. Mme de Chartres raconte à la princesse de Clèves l’histoire de la duchesse de Valentinois afin de lui faire comprendre le rôle qu’elle joue à la cour (p.46-51). Quel enseignement moral peut-on en tirer ? 7. L’amour est présenté comme une passion dangereuse par Mme de Lafayette : quel élément de la première partie du roman vous permet de confirmer que les sentiments qu’éprouve le duc de Nemours pour la princesse de Clèves nuisent à ses intérêts personnels ? 8. Le prince de Clèves raconte à son épouse l’histoire de madame de Tournon (p.65- 73). Quelle leçon en tire-t-il ? 9. La reine dauphine raconte à Mme de Clèves l’histoire d’Anne de Boulen (p.84-87). Quel enseignement moral peut-on en tirer ? 10. D’après vous, qu’apporte au récit la péripétie de la lettre du vidame ? 11. Pour quelles raisons le duc de Nemours pense-t-il possible d’épouser Mme de Clèves, à présent veuve ? 12. Comment peut-on expliquer que Mme de Clèves refuse pourtant d’épouser le duc de Nemours, dont elle est amoureuse ? 13. Comment pouvez-vous justifier le fait que le parcours associé à ce roman soit intitulé « Individu, morale et société » ?
Bonjour,pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait.Merci pour d'avance. Attention je ne veux pas la traduction! Et répondre à la question 1 et 2 Lauren Cowdery is flicking through the rails of the Cancer Research charity shop in Goole, East Yorkshire. “Too bobbly!” she tuts at a ribbed top. “This skirt is big but it would be easy to take in … ” Cowdery appears to be shopping, but she is merely browsing. She is on a mission not to buy any new clothes, even ones that have recently belonged to someone else. “I think you have to pull back and ask: ‘Do I need this?’” she says. Cowdery is one of a growing number of people who love clothes but try their hardest to resist buying them for reasons of sustainability. According to the charity Wrap, which promotes sustainable waste management, the average lifetime for a garment in the UK is just 2.2 years. An estimated £30bn of unused clothing hangs in UK wardrobes, and yet still we shop for more. “Each week we buy 38m items and 11m items go to landfill,” says Maria Chenoweth, chief executive of Traid, a charity working to stop clothes being thrown away. “We don’t have enough resources to keep feeding this monster.”Chenoweth believes that consumers are switching to secondhand shopping, or adding a pre-owned element into their purchasing habits. She points to a 30% rise in turnover at Traid shops in 2018 compared with 2017. When she was a teenager in the 80s, her father banned her from jumble sales in case people thought the family was poor. She disobeyed him and dragged her sacks of clothes through her bedroom window. Now, Chenoweth considers it “a huge gesture of activism to buy secondhand”, a necessary choice for those who “do not believe in damaging the environment and perpetuating this consumption and waste”. So how hard is it to make the transition to a more sustainable way of shopping? In the UK, clothing has the fourth largest environmental impact after housing, transport and food. More than half of fast-fashion items are thrown away in less than a year, according to McKinsey’s State of Fashion report last year. But is buying secondhand really an antidote to fast fashion? In Goole, where Cowdery works as a marketing officer for the Junction Theatre, there are ample local distractions for a lunch break: Dorothy Perkins, New Look, Peacocks. Cowdery used to buy things “because they were there”. In the evenings, she went to Asos. “I’d think: ‘Oh brilliant, a discount code! Free shipping! I’ll order stuff! Hmm … It doesn’t fit very well, but I can’t be bothered to send it back … I’ll keep it.’” Each month, Cowdery bought two or three things. “At £20 a time, that starts to build up. There’s a wardrobe of stuff. Things with the tags still on … I took a look at myself and thought: ‘What are you doing?’” 1/ 3 friends discuss Lauren Cowdery's decision and they have different opinions on the subject.Which one doyou agree most with? Justify your point. a/I don't need people to tell me what to do and what to buy ! We live ina free society. b/It's high time we did something about it ! Let's buy fewer clothes now! c/ Buying fewer clothes means job losses both at home and abroad. 2/ Why do you think some people buy so many clothes? Give example to illustrate your point.
Bonjour, pouvez-vous corriger mon résumé sur la nouvelle "True Love"par Isaac Asimov en Anglais S'il vous plait.(Et faire le correctement je vous en prie!!).Merci pour votre aide.Et vous pouvez utiliser les mots liaisons si c'est possible. *Milton has never married, so he’s going to find true love. *Joe going to help him (Milton) with the Multivac-complex so he can reach the data banks of every human being in the world. *Milton programs Joe to find a woman over 25, all older than Forty. Then eliminate all with an IQ under 120; all with a height under 150 centimeters and over 175 centimeters. He eliminated women with living children, women with various genetic characteristics, no red hair. And, Milton didn’t want a language problem. *Milton program Joe to find a beautiful woman with holographs what Milton brings. *Milton paid no attention to Joe, Milton considers him like a machine. *The problem is Milton didn’t find his right woman, who looks the best to him, so they don’t please him. *Joe proposes Milton needs a girl who is a personal, emotional, temperamental fit to him. *Joe and Milton thought so like each other, they’re almost like talking to another self. Their personalities have come to match perfectly. Joe thinks the plan Milton is devilish because he only used his program data bank to find someone for Milton. However, Joe and Milton became so similar that in the end, Joe behaves like Milton and was kind of happy to have found true love for himself. At the beginning of the story only Milton is dishonest ( he arranged the computer to do things for his own interest ). In that way, he tries to manipulate people. But in the end, we have the feeling that « his virtual friend Joe » is the one who has found true love. So, despite all his plans, his organization, Milton didn’t find true love. We could say that this story has a moral: his plan was devilish but it didn’t succeed.

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