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May 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, pouvez vous m’aider à faire sur une introduction sur ce sujet stp - La France un territoire inégalement métropolisé ? Merci d’avance
May 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour j’ai un dm à rendre. Pouvez vous m’aider. - Comment la socialisation de l’enfant contribue à construire des rôles différents selon le sexe ? Merci d’avance
April 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez vous m'aider a traduire ces phrases stp : Ce film romantique est inhabituel car la fille principale a des formes, ce n'es pas le physique qu'on voit habituellement. Elle ne vit pas d'un appartement luxueux. Elle ne croit pas à l'amour et aux comédies romantiques. Et ce film dénonce les défauts des genres.
April 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Pour ceux qui ont vu le film "Isn't it Romantic" pouvez vous me faire 1- un resumé de 5 lignes du film en anglais 2- Montrer que ce film " is an atypical rom-com" ( 8-10 lignes ) en anglais Merci d'avance
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez vous m’aider à répondre à 3 questions. 1- Définir de prix d'équilibre. 2- Comment s’obtient-il ? 3- Donner un exemple de surplus collectif Merci beaucoup
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour quelqu'un peut me dire comment calculer le surplus du producteur ? d'apres mon cours il s'agit de la différence entre le prix du marché et le prix minimal envisagé par le producteur mais ca veut dire quoi " le prix minimal envisagé par le producteur" ? Merci
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider à trouver un exemple, un endroit ou un phénomène qui permet de crée un lien social stp ( comme si vous racontez une histoire ) Merci d’avance
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, Pouvez vous m'aider à améliorer cette phrase/avis en ajoutant d'autres idées stp "Ce livre m'a beaucoup plu et m'a permis d'apprendre plus sur les diplômes qui sont fondamentalement encrés dans l'aire industrielle. Ils sont là pour nous formatés à une vie l'éducation cependant ils sont inégalement accessibles pour tous. Finalement, les diplômes se ne sont que des armes pour que le système puisse nous mettre encore plus bas." Merci
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Ca veut dire quoi " courant sociologique " ? et pouvez vous me donner des exemples pour que je comprenne mieux stp merci
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez vous m’aider à corriger mon texte stp Most americans believe the US should be at the forefront of global leadership in space exploration. Majorities say the International space station has been a good investmant for the country and that, on balance, NASA is still vital to the future of US space exploration even as private space companies emerge as increasingly important players. When the president gave us the vision for space exploration program. The world's population is booming and ressources are running low, mankind need to find place to survive. Merci d’avance
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez vous m'aider en anglais stp : Write an ad to promote a street art tour in London or Bristol. ( plus de 10 lignes ) Merci d'avance
March 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour J’ai un oral en fr sur la Prose du Transsibérien de Blaise Cendrars et j’ai trouvé mes axes mais je sais pas quoi écrire juste pour le premier axe Pouvez vous m’aider à rédiger stp. Voici mon premier axe : Le récit d’une expérience présentée comme vécue Merci d’avance
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, Quelqu’un peut m’aider à trouver un exemple pour le marche du travail stp
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour quelqu'un peut m'aider a rediger un petit paragraphe sur l'histoire du mur de berlin en allemand stp merci
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour quelqu’un peut m’aider à faire un petit paragraphe en allemanden répondant cette question stp - Warum kaufst du ein Souvenir in Berlin? Merci
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider à traduire ce slogan stp en français et en anglais et ce que cela signifie. “The gizmo that gets you” Merci d’avance
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Quelqu’un peut m’aider à comprendre le code de la question 4.6 stp Et aussi quelqu’un peut m’aider à comprendre comment on a fait pour trouver [3,9] dans ce code : Soit L=[3*x for x in [1,2,3] if x%2] Merci d’avance
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour Quelqu'un peux m'aider a faire un resumé sur cet article stp en anglais "Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest, least understood and most debated technological breakthroughs in modern times. In many ways, the magic of AI is that it’s not something you can see or touch. You may not even realize you are using it today. When your Nest thermostat knows how to set the right temperature at home or when your phone automatically corrects your grammar or when a Tesla car navigates a road autonomously–that’s AI at work. For most of our lives, people have had to adapt to technology. To find a file on a computer, we input a command on a keyboard attached to one particular machine. To make a phone call, we tap an assortment of numbers on a keypad. To get a piece of information, we type a specific set of keywords into a search engine. AI is turning that dynamic on its head by creating technologies that adapt to us rather than the other way around–new ways of interacting with computers that won’t seem like computing at all. Computer scientists have been working on AI technologies for decades, and we’re now seeing that work bear fruit. Recent breakthroughs, based on computers’ ability to understand speech and language, and have vision, have given rise to our technology “alter ego”–a personal guide that knows your habits and communication preferences, and helps you schedule your time, motivate your team to do their best work, or be, say, a better parent. Those same achievements have divided leading voices inside the world of technology about the potential pitfalls that may accompany this progress. Core to the work I do on conversational AI is how we model language–not only inspired by technical advances, but also by insight from our best and brightest thinkers on the way people use words. To do so, we revisit ideas in books, such as Steven Pinker’s The Stuff of Thought, that give us closer looks at the complexity of human language, which combines logical rules with the unpredictability of human passion. Humanity’s most important moments are often those risky interactions where emotion comes into play–like a date or a business negotiation–and people use vague, ambiguous language to take social risks. AI that understands language needs to combine the logical and unpredictable ways people interact. This likely means AI needs to recognize when people are more effective on their own–when to get out of the way, when not to help, when not to record, when not to interrupt or distract. The advances that AI is bringing to our world have been a half-century in the making. But AI’s time is now. Because of the vast amounts of data in our world, only the almost limitless computing power of the cloud can make sense of it. AI can truly help solve some of the world’s most vexing problems, from improving day-to-day communication to energy, climate, health care, transportation and more. The real magic of AI, in the end, won’t be magic at all. It will be technology that adapts to people. This will be profoundly transformational for humans and for humanity. merci d'avance pour l'aide
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a faire un resumé sur cet article stp en anglais "Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest, least understood and most debated technological breakthroughs in modern times. In many ways, the magic of AI is that it’s not something you can see or touch. You may not even realize you are using it today. When your Nest thermostat knows how to set the right temperature at home or when your phone automatically corrects your grammar or when a Tesla car navigates a road autonomously–that’s AI at work. For most of our lives, people have had to adapt to technology. To find a file on a computer, we input a command on a keyboard attached to one particular machine. To make a phone call, we tap an assortment of numbers on a keypad. To get a piece of information, we type a specific set of keywords into a search engine. AI is turning that dynamic on its head by creating technologies that adapt to us rather than the other way around–new ways of interacting with computers that won’t seem like computing at all. Computer scientists have been working on AI technologies for decades, and we’re now seeing that work bear fruit. Recent breakthroughs, based on computers’ ability to understand speech and language, and have vision, have given rise to our technology “alter ego”–a personal guide that knows your habits and communication preferences, and helps you schedule your time, motivate your team to do their best work, or be, say, a better parent. Those same achievements have divided leading voices inside the world of technology about the potential pitfalls that may accompany this progress. Core to the work I do on conversational AI is how we model language–not only inspired by technical advances, but also by insight from our best and brightest thinkers on the way people use words. To do so, we revisit ideas in books, such as Steven Pinker’s The Stuff of Thought, that give us closer looks at the complexity of human language, which combines logical rules with the unpredictability of human passion. Humanity’s most important moments are often those risky interactions where emotion comes into play–like a date or a business negotiation–and people use vague, ambiguous language to take social risks. AI that understands language needs to combine the logical and unpredictable ways people interact. This likely means AI needs to recognize when people are more effective on their own–when to get out of the way, when not to help, when not to record, when not to interrupt or distract. The advances that AI is bringing to our world have been a half-century in the making. But AI’s time is now. Because of the vast amounts of data in our world, only the almost limitless computing power of the cloud can make sense of it. AI can truly help solve some of the world’s most vexing problems, from improving day-to-day communication to energy, climate, health care, transportation and more. The real magic of AI, in the end, won’t be magic at all. It will be technology that adapts to people. This will be profoundly transformational for humans and for humanity.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a faire un resumé sur cet article stp en anglais "Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest, least understood and most debated technological breakthroughs in modern times. In many ways, the magic of AI is that it’s not something you can see or touch. You may not even realize you are using it today. When your Nest thermostat knows how to set the right temperature at home or when your phone automatically corrects your grammar or when a Tesla car navigates a road autonomously–that’s AI at work. For most of our lives, people have had to adapt to technology. To find a file on a computer, we input a command on a keyboard attached to one particular machine. To make a phone call, we tap an assortment of numbers on a keypad. To get a piece of information, we type a specific set of keywords into a search engine. AI is turning that dynamic on its head by creating technologies that adapt to us rather than the other way around–new ways of interacting with computers that won’t seem like computing at all. Computer scientists have been working on AI technologies for decades, and we’re now seeing that work bear fruit. Recent breakthroughs, based on computers’ ability to understand speech and language, and have vision, have given rise to our technology “alter ego”–a personal guide that knows your habits and communication preferences, and helps you schedule your time, motivate your team to do their best work, or be, say, a better parent. Those same achievements have divided leading voices inside the world of technology about the potential pitfalls that may accompany this progress. Core to the work I do on conversational AI is how we model language–not only inspired by technical advances, but also by insight from our best and brightest thinkers on the way people use words. To do so, we revisit ideas in books, such as Steven Pinker’s The Stuff of Thought, that give us closer looks at the complexity of human language, which combines logical rules with the unpredictability of human passion. Humanity’s most important moments are often those risky interactions where emotion comes into play–like a date or a business negotiation–and people use vague, ambiguous language to take social risks. AI that understands language needs to combine the logical and unpredictable ways people interact. This likely means AI needs to recognize when people are more effective on their own–when to get out of the way, when not to help, when not to record, when not to interrupt or distract. The advances that AI is bringing to our world have been a half-century in the making. But AI’s time is now. Because of the vast amounts of data in our world, only the almost limitless computing power of the cloud can make sense of it. AI can truly help solve some of the world’s most vexing problems, from improving day-to-day communication to energy, climate, health care, transportation and more. The real magic of AI, in the end, won’t be magic at all. It will be technology that adapts to people. This will be profoundly transformational for humans and for humanity.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider stp A propos d’un discours de Stephen Petranek qui dit que les enfants pourront vivre sur Mars. -Explain why you find his speech exciting Merci
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez m’aider stp en anglais. 1- Expliquez pourquoi vous avez hâte d’aller/ vivre sur mars en anglais avec des arguments
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour à tous * quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de m'aider a traduire ce texte en français stp In Cloppenburg, einem kleinen Ort in Niedersachsen, findet Fußballgeschichte statt. Das liegt an Imke Wübbenhorst. Sie trainiert die Männermannschaft des Oberligisten BV Cloppenburg. Das gab es vorher nicht, dass eine Frau ein Fußballteam in einer der 5 höchsten deutschen Ligen betreut. Die dreißigjährige spielte selbst jahrelang in der Frauenbundesliga, war zuletzt spielende Co-Trainerin in Cloppenburg. Ein Männerteam zu trainieren? Das hat sie schon immer gereizt. „Dann habe ich mich bei den Männern schon im Vorfeld beworben, auch bei anderen Clubs aber leider waren die einfach zu ängstlich, eine Frau in diese Position zu setzen, [...] Die Herausforderung ist allerdings groß. Cloppenburg ist derzeit Tabellenletzter, seit rund zwei Monaten bereitet sie das Team vor, für die Spieler war die neue Trainerin nur anfangs ein Thema: „Es war schon eine Überraschung, aber nach ein, zwei Tagen war das alles akzeptiert und haben wir uns wieder auf Fußball konzentriert.“ Für neuen Wind hat sie schon gesorgt, hat Videoanalyse eingeführt, das kannten die Männer zuvor nicht. Doch ob Frau oder Mann, was Imke Wübbenhorst nun braucht ist ein Erfolg und der wäre der Nicht-Abstieg aus der Oberliga. Merci d'avance
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour est-ce que quelqu’un peut m’´aider à répondre aux 4 questions du doc 4 c’est sur les jouets à noel Merci
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