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February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Trouver une chanson d'un chanteur anglais (homme) avec des paroles percantes (sur la vie en générale, un décès...)
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
C'est quoi un hotel de troisième ordre?
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Pourquoi pendant la seconde guerre mondiale on parle de l'Allemagne nazie? Ils n'étaient pas cencés être morts à cause de la Terreur qu'a mis en place Hitler?
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Celui qui y arrive omg :( Avec ce document, faire un développement construit sur l'extermination du peuple durant la seconde guerre mondiale. (Expliquer la déportation, la sélection, le génocide et l'extermination.)
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Celui qui y arrive omg :( Avec ce document, faire un développement construit sur l'extermination du peuple durant la seconde guerre mondiale. (Expliquer la déportation, la sélection, le génocide et l'extermination.)
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Quelqun pour corriger les fautes svp? My name is Taylor, I'm 16. I was born in Paris, I'm french. Today, 22th February 1836, I arrived in U.S.A. The trip to arrive to Ellis Island was boring because I travel in the poor class, and all of passengers were unpleasant. The landscape was just incredible. During the trip, I remind memories with my familly and my friend. I was worried, but I hoped my life will be better there. When I arrived, doctors and officiers inspect all of immigrant one by one to examinated nationality, identity or papers during two hours. The worst is over, now, I just want to recover my sister who immigrated before me, five years ago to finish her study. My first impression of the U.S.A was good because people look friendly and helpful with others. However, I hope find a job and an appartement, waiting, I will live with my sister ! I bring a picture of my mum and dud to saw them everytime I missed them. I just hope to be happy.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Quelqu'un pour me corriger mes fautes d'orthographe svp? My name is Taylor, I'm 16. I was born in Paris, I'm french. Today, 22th February 1836, I arrived in U.S.A. The trip to arrive to Ellis Island was boring because I travel in the poor class, and all of passengers were unpleasant. The landscape was just incredible. During the trip, I remind memories with my familly and my friend. I was worried, but I hoped my life will be better there. When I arrived, doctors and officiers inspect all of immigrant one by one to examinated nationality, identity or papers during two hours. The worst is over, now, I just want to recover my sister who immigrated before me, five years ago to finish her study. My first impression of the U.S.A was good because people look friendly and helpful with others. However, I hope find a job and an appartement, waiting, I will live with my sister ! I bring a picture of my mum and dud to saw them everytime I missed them. I just hope to be happy.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Developper puis réduire (15x + 13)au carré - (12 - 11x)au carré
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Cette fraction svp à simplifier : 9 sur 7 - 9 sur 125
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, il me faudrait quelqun si possible pour corriger les quelques fautes... merci ! :) This history became during the victory of Julius Caesar sar in Pompey. One day, a soothsayer warned Caesar to beware the fifteenth day of the month (march) but Caesar scoffed. This day, thinking that it will be crowned Julius Caesar was killed by a lot of Senators. His friend, Mark Antony wanting to commite suicide by sadness to friend's death, was forced to refuse this act but had the opportunity to speack with Brutus in front of the population. Also, Antony spoke with the great passion of Caesar's love for them, the people were moved and the entire community became against with the Senators. Everyone go to Phillippi to wage war against Antony, with his new associate, Octavius, Caesar's heir, to kill all the Senators to revenge the Caesar's death. Only, Brutus died during the war and Rome rested a Republic.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Il me faudrait un correcteur de fautes, merci ! This story speak about Macbeth and Banquo, two Scotthis generals, who living under the reign of King Duncan, meet one day, three hideous witches. These named Macbeth to three differents names. Macbeth's wife wanted to see her husband become king and decided to kill King Duncan, Scotland's king. The three witches had the possibility to do predictions about the future of someone and do on Macbeth, revealing reals predictions who will achieve. When Macbeth knew the death of his wife, he was single against Malcolm and the dread Mcduff. One day, a prediction realize and Mcbeth view the forest go to him, showing his death. Mcduff against Mcbeth, said him a confession that will change the history. Thereafter, Malcolm will become Scotland's King.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, voici une trace écrite, quelqu'un serait d'accord de me corriger mes fautes d'orthographe ou de grammaire ? Merci :) This story speak about two family who are in war : Montagues and Capulets. One day, Lord Capulet planning a party and Roméo decided to go there. Only, Roméo was the Lord Montague's son. During the party, Roméo fell in love with Juliet, the Lord Capulet's daughter. Their families were not agree to their relation. Then, Juliet's father wanted to married her daughter with an other men. Juliet had a plan : believe to others his death to run away with Roméo who has been exiled. She decided to drink a poison who slept her. During three days, everyone supposed Juliet was dead. Only, Roméo too and decided to kill himself by the sadness to lost her girl. After a lot of minutes, Juliet wake up and seen Roméo near her, dead. Juliet couldn't live without him and decided to commite suicide. Their two families, face this horror, been reconcilied.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Donnez une définition de Front Populaire (année 1930) merciiiiii
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Donnez une définition courte de IIIe internationale. (qui dit ce que c'est, pas de qui il est composé, pas de wikipedia merci)
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Quel est le rôle des descriptions dans les textes réalistes ? (une vingtaine de lignes)
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