Salut a tous j espère que vous allez j espère que vous avez bien j aurai besoin de votre aide svp pour mon exercice d Anglais merci ^^ Voici mon exercice , il faut choisir la bonne réponse :1) Where was born the Film Noir?a) It was born in France, that’s why it has a French name.b) It was born in Hollywood and its name came from French critics.c) It was born in Germany with the first 1910s Expressionist movies. d) It was born everywhere in the world at the same time.2) What are some common plots of Film Noir?a) Murder plotsb) Criminal investigationsc) Wives killed their husbands or loversd) All of the above [FR: toutes les réponses ci-dessus]3) What is a “femme fatale” cliché?a) A female assassinb) A crime-film prostitutec) A dangerous sexual womand) A dead woman who motives the protagonist’s revenge4) Which of these is a common trick of Film Noir?a) High key lighting (=very bright lights)b) Day-for-Night shots [FR: nuit américaine = filmer de jour avant de retoucher pour faire croire à la nuit]c) Filming in temporary studiosd) Flashback narration5) What were some of the influences on Film Noir?a) German Expressionism.b) Popular detective fiction published in pulp magazines.c) Earlier Hollywood movies (such as Monster movies; Orson Welles’s Citizen Kane, etc.)d) All of the above. 6) How did the Hays Code help to shape Film Noir?a) It prohibited crime films from including controversial material.b) Filmmakers had to be creative in order to include sexuality, cheating, violence, etc.c) It gave more freedom to Film Noirs because the films attracted the “lower class”.d) Noir directors largely ignored Hays Code’s restrictions.7) Film Noirs were often…a) Big budget movies / Blockbusters.b) Low key lighting movies (low lights with a lot of shadows).c) Showing the crimes and adultery directly on screen.d) Set in the countryside / in rural areas.8) Rooms are often...a) open and well litb) large and emptyc) claustrophobic and filmed with strange angl​
bonjour pouvez vous m aidez s il vous plaît merci d avance ^^je vous donne la suite de la pièce jointe merci d'avance :blinds —>.................................................…handcuffs —>.................................................…a slug (drink)—>.................................................…a slug (gun)—>.................................................…a magnum (gun)—>.................................................…a magnum (alcohol)—>.................................................…a camera—>.................................................…(a sieve —>.................................................…)SUSPECT’S BEHAVIOR ->....................................................honest —>....................................................reliable —>....................................................suspicious —>....................................................distrustful —>....................................................menacing —>.................................................…far-fetched —>.................................................…bleak —>.................................................…stuttering —>.................................................…shadowy —>.................................................…INVESTIGATIONCCTV —>....................................................DNA —>....................................................forensics —>....................................................​
Bonjour pouvez vous m' aider s il vous plaît pour ces exercices d anglais merci d avance ^^1) Observe les phrasessuivantes.Souligne les adverbes de probabilité en rouge. Souligne les verbes qui expriment la probabilité en vert. Encadre les verbes modaux en bleu.a) I think the woman killed the man. b) Maybe it’s Christmas time because there is a Christmas tree. c) It’s probably in a house because there is a fireplace. d) I suppose the man was shot because the lady holds a gun.e) He must be the murderer because he has no alibi.f) She may be innocent despite she’s in jail.2) Remplis le texte à trouLorsque l’on n’est PAS sûr de ce que l’on va dire, on peut utiliser un ............................. (comme dans les phrases b et c) ou un ............................ (comme dans les phrases a et d). Un ..........................… peut aussi être utilisé pour dire un plus ou moins grand degré de certitude (comme dans les phrases e et f). Ils nuancent ainsi nos propos. Ils permettent d’exprimer la ...................................... ou l’....................................... et nous permettent de faire des ............................................. ou des suppositions. Les adverbes sont généralement placés en ................................... de phrase. Les verbes (modaux ou non) qui expriment la probabilité se placent au ............................... . Sans eux, les phrases a et d exprimeraient la c.................................. . 3) TraduisPerhaps / maybe : ............................................................................. Probably: ............................................................................. Supposedly: .............................................................................I think: ............................................................................. I suppose / I assume : ..........................................................................…Might: ..........................................................................May: ..........................................................................Must: ..........................................................................​

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