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April 2023 | 2 Respostas
Add these adverbs to the text Always ever no longer only recently sometimes today twice yet Actress and model Viviane Tavenard is 1…………….. the centre of attention wherever she goes and her appearance in London for the crowd of photographers waiting 3…………….. 4…………….. .She's enjoying her life these days and is 5…………….. concerned about old romances or bad reviews. Tavenard has won the Best Actress award 6…………….. , but that hasn’t stopped her from working on new and 7…………….. unusual films. "This is an excellent time," she said 8 …………….. in an interview with Celebrity Life magazine. " I think my life is the best it's 9 …………….. been." The good news for all you Viviane Tavenard fans is that you may not have seen her best work 10 …………….. .
April 2023 | 1 Respostas
A. Match the sentences in the first column with those in the second to form coherent conversational pieces. Colum One Column Two a. I do not know where Lora is. b. I work 40 hours a week, but I hardly make any money. c. How do you like that new restaurant? d. You have had nothing at all to eat. Are you ok? e. Where do you live? f. I could not believe it! All of a sudden, he started crying. 1. I liked it, but my friend didn’t like it at all. 2. So what did you do? 3. I don’t have a clue. 4. Let’s help everyone calm down. We need to keep everything under control. 5. Look! Here she comes! 6. I think so. I just do not have an appetite right now. 7. Well; the bottom line is that you need more education so you can get a better job.
April 2023 | 1 Respostas
How do you think children should behave in restaurants
April 2023 | 1 Respostas
Complete these sentences from an article on student life with any (x4), no (x3) or some (x3). Did you know that ……………………… thirty percent of students have to leave university, not because they can't cope with their studies, but because they simply can't afford it? In one survey, researchers found that students cited ……………………… money more often than ……………………… other reason such as reason such as reason such as " courses are difficult" for ending their studies . During interviews with the researchers, ……………………… of these former students said that they had tried to do part-time jobs after classes, but they had discovered that they didn’t have ……………………… time or they had ……………………… energy left for study when they finished their jobs at night. When the researchers asked these students if they received financial support from their parents, ……………………… said that they had, but the majority said they hadn’t received ……………………… . Most of those interviewed said they had ……………………… plans to return to university ……………………… time soon.
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