Historiquement, Thanksgiving était un jour de fête chrétienne durant lequel on remerciait Dieu par des prières et des réjouissances pour les bonheurs que l’on avait pu recevoir pendant l’année, cette célébration est désormais laïque en Amérique du Nord, les administrations et la plupart des entreprises étant fermées ce jour-là
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BarbeapapaenforceThe pilgrims lived in England, he emigrated in america because of the religion. He croissed the ocean on the Mayflowers ship, the wether was bad. He survivre, the pilgrims thanks god. they had nothing to eat, it snow .One day, three Indian come to visitof the pligrims, they gave them vegetables to plant the fish .... The pligrims has invited the indians to eat. From that day, America celebrate this day Thanksgivings, they eat stuffed turkey served with cramberry sauce and the potatoes, the corn on the corb, of the dessert he eat the pumkin pie and thank god.
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