Quelqu'un fort en anglais pourrait me traduire ceci svppp!!
La ségrégation raciale est une pratique qui consiste à séparer physiquement les personnes de couleurs différentes. Ce système a une forte connotation raciste et discriminatoire. Ce n'est qu'au cours du XXe siècle que les USA et l'Afrique du Sud y ont mis un terme.
C'est suite au soulèvement des personnes discriminées par ce système que les autorités ont fini par rendre tous les lieux accessibles à toutes les personnes sans distinction de couleur de peau. Certains ont choisi de protester de manière pacifique comme Martin Luther King, d'autres ont opté pour la lutte armée comme Malcolm X.
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Hey! I did my best but be careful tho, there's might be some mistakes.
Racial segregation is a practice that consist of physically dividing people of differents colors. This system has a strong racist and discriminatory connotation. It is only during the XXth century that the USA and South Africa put an end to this.
It's as a result of the uprising of the people segregated by this system that authorities ended up making all places available for everyone without distinction. Certain people chose to protest peacefully like Martin Luther King while others opted for an armed conflict like Malcom X.
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I did my best but be careful tho, there's might be some mistakes.
Racial segregation is a practice that consist of physically dividing people of differents colors.
This system has a strong racist and discriminatory connotation.
It is only during the XXth century that the USA and South Africa put an end to this.
It's as a result of the uprising of the people segregated by this system that authorities ended up making all places available for everyone without distinction.
Certain people chose to protest peacefully like Martin Luther King while others opted for an armed conflict like Malcom X.
Good luck!