S'il vous plaît aidez moi c'est important (je n'y arrive pas) : Je dois rédiger une lettre de candidature pour un poste de professeur en primaire en Anglais : Il faut que je rappelle l'annonce je me présente je parle de mes goût, de mes qualités, de mes talents je dois parler de mon expérience et préciser ou et comment me contacter (le numéro de téléphone par exemple) Terminer avec une formule de politesse et signer
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Good morning! i'm here for the request of a teacher for primary school i saw a few days ago on the wall of the school. My name is.. i love teaching and ienjoy it very much, especially when it comes to maths or languages and on top of the requiered degrees, i have one in art as well. i have been a primary school teacher since seventeen years now, so i have quite a big amount of experience, which is, as you know, extremely useful. i will leave my phone number right on this piece of paper and my email too in case you would be interested in contacting me for further information. Well, i must leave now, it was nice meeting you, have a very nice day j'avais pas trop d'idees pour les gouts et talents
Mister, miss, I'm [Nom, prénom] and I want to have the job of professor in your school. I think I'll be a great teacher because I did babyssisting when I was [âge]. I would have the job because I love children and I'd like to use to the society, I'm patient and kinda gentle. I find rapidely the best method to learn all the programm to the child who don't understand. You can join me at [adresse e-mail] or at the [numero de téléphone] Hope a answer, and see you rapidely, [Signature]
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j'avais pas trop d'idees pour les gouts et talents
Mister, miss,
I'm [Nom, prénom] and I want to have the job of professor in your school.
I think I'll be a great teacher because I did babyssisting when I was [âge].
I would have the job because I love children and I'd like to use to the society, I'm patient and kinda gentle. I find rapidely the best method to learn all the programm to the child who don't understand.
You can join me at [adresse e-mail] or at the [numero de téléphone]
Hope a answer, and see you rapidely,
Espérant t'avoir été utile!!