bonjour est ce que quelqu un peut m aider merci Imaginez que vous avez grandi dans une famille où les parents sont des immigrés à Londrès (d'origine indien, pakistanais, bangladais, polonais, italien, albanais, chypriote grec, kenyan, nigérien, ghanéen, hongkongais, jamaicain etc) Racontez une anecdote drôle liée à un malentendu/ situation gênante survenu à cause des origines différentes de vos parents
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My parents emigrated in London when I was just a little baby, they know how to speak English well but their accent can be difficult to understand for natives English speakers. So one day we went to a sweet coffee shop, when I was around 9 I think, and my parents wanted to order for my siblings and I. But when they spoke to the waiter, he didn’t understood… they tried numerous time to order but it failed. My parents were embarrassed and I was mad that the waiter didn’t make any effort to understand them. I asked my parent to live the coffee shop and that what we did after this awkward episode.
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