SVP AIDEZ MOI ! décrire en quelques lignes en anglais la double page d'ouverture de la Unit 1 , au temps qui convient pour la description d'images, à savoir le présent BE+ing, et faire des hypothèses sur la scène représentée. Quels sentiments cette image vous évoque-t-elle ?
We are seeing five people who are taking a picture together. They are smiling and doing poses. The people may be friends. The girl in the middle is the one taking the pictures. There is two girls and three boys. We are seeing that the girl at the left is ginger, she is posing as well, her hair mustn't be natural.
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We are seeing five people who are taking a picture together. They are smiling and doing poses. The people may be friends. The girl in the middle is the one taking the pictures. There is two girls and three boys. We are seeing that the girl at the left is ginger, she is posing as well, her hair mustn't be natural.