Bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez svp David is a .......................... He realized his .................... ........... February 11th 1990, when hetook a ................... of Mandela, who had just been released/ ...................... from prison. He had spent27 .............. in .................... He had becomea .................. of .............. and optimism for ......................Africa.David wasexcited / ................................ It was the ....................../ the ................... powerful moment of his career. It was an ...................... ( moving)moment becauseit was the first time Mandela had given a 27years and people hadn’t seen him for a long time.The ............................... played an important role because the photo was .............................. w........................ = all over the world. It helped f.................... photographer.
Published dream on .photo prison symbol hope strongest most emotional speech worldwide fight apartheid thrilled years South freed
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Ou peut on savoir ou se qu’il faut mettre? Y’a t’il une feuille avec des mots dans les désordres et ils faut les mettre dans le bon ordre ?
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