On this poster, I can see the amazing place, known as Canada which is the second largest nation in the world after Russia! There are polar bears who are part of Canda's fantastic wildlife. The landscape in certain parts of Canda are very hilly, but others are much more flat such as Mannitoba, for example. In Canada, you can meet the first nations' people, that are part of Canada's fascinating past. In Canada, you can also discover it's oldest sport: lacross! You can also enjoy a traditional match of ice hockey: a very fun game to play in the winter on skating rinks! And last, but not least, there are the spectacular falls, known as Niagara Falls! Thare are restaurants, shops and everything around the Niagara Falls to attract tourists.
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NOTE: Il y a bien tout les mots présent dans l'énoncé.
Je te souhaite une bonne continuation et une excellente journée! ʕ ᵔﻌ•̀ʔ
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Réponse :
On this poster, I can see the amazing place, known as Canada which is the second largest nation in the world after Russia! There are polar bears who are part of Canda's fantastic wildlife. The landscape in certain parts of Canda are very hilly, but others are much more flat such as Mannitoba, for example. In Canada, you can meet the first nations' people, that are part of Canada's fascinating past. In Canada, you can also discover it's oldest sport: lacross! You can also enjoy a traditional match of ice hockey: a very fun game to play in the winter on skating rinks! And last, but not least, there are the spectacular falls, known as Niagara Falls! Thare are restaurants, shops and everything around the Niagara Falls to attract tourists.
Explications :
Voila! J'espère avoir été une aide!
NOTE: Il y a bien tout les mots présent dans l'énoncé.
Je te souhaite une bonne continuation et une excellente journée! ʕ ᵔﻌ•̀ʔ