EXERCÍCIOS PRESENT CONTINUOUS Realizei e selecionei alguns exercícios sobre o Present Continuous para ajudar no aprendizado e na fixação das regras gramaticais deste tempo verbal. Caso tenha aula dúvida, leia a aula sobre Present Continuous que possui um breve resumo sobre este assunto. EXERCÍCIOS:
1. Acrescente o ING nos seguintes verbos e realize a tradução de cada um. a) To sleep sleeping (dormindo) b) To eat c) To dance d) To fly
e) To walk f) To cook g) To organize h) To see i) To give j) To begin
k) To snow l) To fix m) To help n) To play o) To live p) To paint
q) To watch r) To take s) To get t) To stop u) To mimic
2. Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa e interrogativa e realize a tradução. a) My mother is sweeping the
(Minha mãe está varrendo a casa.) AFF: My mother isn’t sweeping the
INT: Is my mother sweeping the
house? b) My friends are sleeping.
c) My cousin is dancing. d) I’m surfing. e) We are playing volleyball. f) They are learning Spanish. g) It is raining now.
3. Com base nas imagens abaixo, crie uma frase utilizando while e que esteja no Present Continuous.
4. Complete as lacunas com o Present Continuous.
Monday, August 16 Dear John,
I’m on vacation, in Brazil, with my family. We __________________________ (to have) a good time. Brazil is a beautiful country. The weather is hot and sunny. Now we __________________________ (to have) a spare time in the hotel. There are a lot of things to do here. Today I __________________________ (to write) postcards and letters to my friends. My mother __________________________ (to swim), and my brother and his friends __________________________ (to play) volleyball. My father __________________________ (to run) and my sister is listening to the music. When I arrive I’ll tell you all the news!
See you soon, George
5. Preste atenção na seguinte imagem e faça o que se pede.
a) Quando deve ser utilizado o Present Continuous? b) Traduza a frase. c) Passe a frase para a forma negativa e interrogativa. d) Substitua o pronome “they” por “she” e realize sentenças afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
6. Para formar o gerúndio em inglês, acrescenta-se a terminação ING no final dos verbos, porém há algumas regras e exceções. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na forma correta do gerúndio. a) to drive– driving / to learn – learning / to swim – swimming / to study – studying b) to drive– driving / to learn – learning / to swim – swiming / to study – studing
c) to drive– driveing / to learn – learnning / to swim – swimming / to study – studing d) to drive– driveing / to learn – learning / to swim – swiming / to study – studying e) to drive– driviing / to learn – learnning / to swim – swiming / to study – studing 7. (UFPB) Don’t disturb! My brothers _____________ hard now. a) are working b) is work c) working d) am working e) is working
8. Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal: a) Tom and Marina is watching TV together while they are eat some sandwiches. b) Melissa is read a love poem to Maria while she are eat chocolate. c) We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop while I eating a pece of cake. d) They are eat some sandwiches while she are eat pizza. e) Fernando is working at the computer while I am studying. 9. Check the correct option. Juliet _____________________ the dishes now. a) are washes b) is wash c) am washing d) are washing e) is washing 10. Qual é a tradução da frase: “They are working at the computer now.” a) Eles sempre trabalham no computador. b) Eles trabalharam no computador ontem. c) Eles estão trabalhando no computador agora. d) Eles irão trabalhar no computador amanhã. e) Ele está trabalhando no computador agora.
Lista de comentários
1. Cara, muito fácil! O Google te ajuda, tem tradução e tabela disso.
2. "are" ficam "are not" ou "aren't", "is" = exemplo 2a, "I am" fica "I am not"... Tendeu?
3. Cadê as imagens??
4. We are having (2x) / I'm writing / is swimming / are playing/ is running (usa esses pra te te ajudar no número 1)
5. Cadê a imagem??
6. a
7. Com a dica da explicação, tenho certeza que você é capaz de fazer sozinho!
8. A mesma coisa do 7, vê as diquinhas na explicação! Spoiler: não é A nem B...
9. e
10. "working" é trabalhando, "now" é agora. o resto vocês consegue!
"is" usa para He (ele), She (ela) e It
"are" usa para You (você), They (eles), We (nós)
"am" usa apenas para I (eu - "i" sempre em maiúscula)