TRÈS URGENT Pouvez vous m'aider svp ? Merci d'avance car je ne trouve pas la réponse, ca faut 30 minutes que je suis sur cet exercice
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A) A nurse often works weekends. b) Computer engineeres rarely clean their offices. c) A tourist guide always meets foreign people. d) Plumbers don't usually use a computer. e) A chemist always use a lab coat. f) A salesperson never sits down at work. g) Librarians don't invite writers often to their library.
Lista de comentários
b) Computer engineeres rarely clean their offices.
c) A tourist guide always meets foreign people.
d) Plumbers don't usually use a computer.
e) A chemist always use a lab coat.
f) A salesperson never sits down at work.
g) Librarians don't invite writers often to their library.