Je dois écrire une lettre d'excuse a un/une ami(e)en anglais. Le sujet est libre, il faux juste trouver une raison (pour laquelle on s'excuse) originale. Merci d'avance :)
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Hello Ana, I am sending you this letter to tell you that I am deeply sorry. I will never throw you of your phone in the river when you took a photo of the landscape and then you say you're void because you have no sense of humor. You probably think it's my mother who forced me to write this letter of apology but that is wrong . It is from the depths of my own that comes from this idea. I put myself in your place and it was then that I realized what I had done was a "joke " was really a thing done what shall a plague, an enemy . Yet we are best friends, and I regret what I did and I will think next time before you make a joke. Ana , forgive me. I miss you. signe la lettre avec ton prenom :)
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signe la lettre avec ton prenom :)