Urgence svp Raconte l'histoire en anglais qui a rendu Rosa Parks célèbre minimum 5 ligne (dans un cahier) MERCI
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Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, said Rosa Parks (in February 4th, 1913, Tuskegee, Alabama, the United States - October 24th, 2005, Strait, Michigan), is a needlewoman who became an iconic figure of the fight(wrestling) against the racial segregation in the United States, what is worth to him(her) the nickname of " mother of the movement of the civil rights " on behalf of the American Congress. Rosa Parks fought against the racial segregation with Martin Luther King. Rosa Parks became famous December 1st, 1955, in Montgomery (Alabama) by refusing to give its place to a white passenger in the bus leads(drives) by James F. Blake. Arrested by the police, she(it) sees imposing a 15-dollar fine on December 5th; she(it) appeals of this judgment(sentence). A young black minister 26-year-old unknown, Martin Luther King, with the cooperation of Ralph Abernathy, throws(launches) then a campaign(countryside) of protest and boycott against the company of buses which will last 381 days. On November 13th, 1956, the Supreme Court breaks the segregationist laws in buses, declaring them unconstitutional.
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