Bonjour , quelqu'un pourait-il me faire un résumé de Cendrillon en anglais au temps du prétérit s'il vous plais c'est urgent .. 300 mots environ !
Je donnerai tous mes points à la personne qui aura la gentillesse de m'aider sans allé sur les site de traduction merci ! :)
j'espere avoir des reponses au plus vite car c'est a rendre pour lundi :/
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Ceindrella was a beautiful girl. Her life can be perfect, but she has got an horrible stepmother, who had got an only target which is, give many advantages for her gril, to depend on the daughter-in-law's life. It was terrible because Cindrella was very nice, and she did all the chore that you stepmother want. She couldn't say anything because without them, she is only. One day, Cindrella she has got a ball, but her stepmother didn't want to she went to it. However, Cindrella went to it, bu at midnight, she had to left very quickly before to became a pumpking. She came back very fast that she lost her shoe. A prince found it and she want to give it to Cindrella. When he saw her, he gave her shoe and she wore it perfectly. A love history begin