il était une fois , l'histoire d'une jeune femme agée de 30 ans qui s'appelait Cendrillon. Elle n'étais pas vraiment belle , elle avait seulement de beaux yeux. c'était une fille sage et gentille , elle vivait avec son papa et sa belle maman ainsi que de ses deux demi soeurs qu'elle aimait beaucoup jusqu'au jour où son père moura et à partir de cet événement ses belles sœurs ainsi que sa belle mère devinrent très très méchante et forçaient Cendrillon a faire le ménage et à rester à la maison. Mais elle ne se laissai pas faire et se battait avec ses belles soeurs , elle n'écoutait pas sa belle mère et sortait chaque soirs danser avec ses copines jusqu'au jour ou un jeune homme aperçu cendrillon et alla voir sa belle mère pour lui dire qu'il souhaiter se marier avec Cendrillon , Cendrillon ne voulait pas mais sa belle mère l'a força d'accepter car elle faisait beaucoup trop de bêtises et c'était la seule solution pour qu'elle soit enfin une vrai femme avec un mari et un foyer . Cendrillon n'eu le choix que d'accepter et c'est ainsi qu'une toute autre vie commença pour elle ...

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POUVEZ VOUS ME DIRE SI IL Y A DES ERREURS SIL VOUS PLAIS ? merci. Once upon a time, the story of a girl, who's name was Cindirella.She was a very beautiful girl, and her life could be perfect, Cinderella had a had a happy life until the day when her father ,who was very sick, left her daughter. And it's since this day that her stepmother and her two stepsisters Javotte and Anastasie showed Cindirella their true face and that C 's nightmare began. Because her stepmother and stepsisters changed their behavior and they began horribly nasty with her and they treated her with ignoble way ...but she has got an horrible stepmother, who had on only target in her life, wich is: to give all what is possible, all what is marvellous to their awful daughters; and to take advantage of her daughter in law Cindirella.It really was terrible because Cindirella was very nice, and she made all the chores that her stepmother wanted. She couldn't say anything, because whitout them, she were alone , so she worked very hard for her stepmother and their two stepsisters who were very wicked and even evil.One day, a ball was organized by the prince of the country, Cinderella wanted to go over there, but her stepmother wont she went to it.However, Cindirella went to the ball, with the help of her fairy godmother, but she had to go back into one's room before midnight , before the coach became a pumpking.At midnight, she danced with the prince who had eyes only for her, so she run quickly outside but she left one of her magical shoes, the prince found it and looked for her but she was gone.The prince sent for her in all the country, every girl of the country tried the shoe, the stepmother wanted one of their daughters for princess, but someone said to the prince there was an other girl in the house. When he saw her, he gave her the shoe and she wore it perfectly. So Cindirella became the new princess of the country, everybody was very happy to have a new princess, except the stepmother ans their daughters who became servants in the castle. A love story began.

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