il était une fois , l'histoire d'une jeune femme agée de 30 ans qui s'appelait Cendrillon. Elle n'étais pas vraiment belle , elle avait seulement de beaux yeux. c'était une fille sage et gentille , elle vivait avec son papa et sa belle maman ainsi que de ses deux demi soeurs qu'elle aimait beaucoup jusqu'au jour où son père moura et à partir de cet événement ses belles sœurs ainsi que sa belle mère devinrent très très méchante et forçaient Cendrillon a faire le ménage et à rester à la maison. Mais elle ne se laissai pas faire et se battait avec ses belles soeurs , elle n'écoutait pas sa belle mère et sortait chaque soirs danser avec ses copines jusqu'au jour ou un jeune homme aperçu cendrillon et alla voir sa belle mère pour lui dire qu'il souhaiter se marier avec Cendrillon , Cendrillon ne voulait pas mais sa belle mère l'a força d'accepter car elle faisait beaucoup trop de bêtises et c'était la seule solution pour qu'elle soit enfin une vrai femme avec un mari et un foyer . Cendrillon n'eu le choix que d'accepter et c'est ainsi qu'une toute autre vie commença pour elle ...
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It was once, the history of a 30 year old young woman who was called Cinderella. She staysnot really beautiful, she had only beautiful was a girl wise and nice, she lived with herdad and her beautiful mom as from her two halfsisters which she liked much until the day whenhis/her father will moura and starting from thisevent his/her beautiful sisters as her beautifulmother became very very malicious and forcedCinderella has to do the housework and to stay at home. But it did not let itself make and foughtwith her beautiful sisters, it did not listen to herbeautiful mother and left each evenings to dancewith her girlfriends until the day or an young man seen Cinderella and went to see herbeautiful mother to tell him that he to wish to marry with Cinderella, Cinderella did not wantbut his/her beautiful mother has forced it to accept because she did far too many silly things and it was the only solution so that sheis finally true a woman with a husband and ahearth. Cinderella have the choice to only accept and thus very another life started for it…
Je crois que c'est bon =D
Once upon a time, a woman's story who is 30 years old who's name was Cendrillonn. She wasn't very beautiful, she just had beutiful eyes. It was a wise and nice girl. She lived with her father and her handsome mother and two stepsisters who didn't like very much when , a day, her father dead and now, their stepsisters and her stepmother became very nasty and obliged Cendrillon to do household and stay at home. But she not be allowed and fought with their stepsisters. She didn't listen her stepmother and went out each night to danse with their friends to a day where a boy saw Cendrillon . He wanted to marry with her . Because she didn't want , her stepmother forced her to accept because she did a lot of foolishness and it was the only solution to be a real woman with a husband and a home. Cendrillon hadn't a other choice to accept and it was thereby that a new life became for her ...