Bonjour j’ai un devoirs pour mercredi je dois faire un texte 5-10 ligne. Je dois me faire passer pour le directeur d’une école et envoyer un message au parents d’une élève qui n’aurait pas son uniforme et qui serai mal habiller ( jupe courte, basket, chaussette courte ) niveau 4 eme Merci d’avance
Hello, I am the manager. I am contacting you to inform you that your daughter is not wearing the uniform correctly. She does not put on her shirt and tie and puts on blue socks. She hides the school badge. Can you get her back to order as soon as possible?
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Hello, I am the manager. I am contacting you to inform you that your daughter is not wearing the uniform correctly. She does not put on her shirt and tie and puts on blue socks. She hides the school badge. Can you get her back to order as soon as possible?