January 2021 1 65 Report
Bonjour, actuellement en terminale S je suis dans la réalisation de mes fiches d'oral pour le BAC d'anglais. Pourriez vous corriger mes faute pour celles sur la notion idée de progrès ?
(Presentation). I'm going to talk about the notion: Idea of Progress. To introduce this topic I will give several definitions. This notion basically consists in believing that the world can become better everyday in therms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life. Progress implies changes, evolution, development or more modern condition. In my opinion progress means that the world must be improve everyday to make a better life.

We may wonder if progress is good
or bad for the world where we live ?

1. On the one hand people are always trying to find more and more evolution to make a better life.
2. But in an other hand progress can be bad for us.

To illustrate this notion I have chosen 3 documents: a cartoon, an extract of “Brave new world”, and another extract “Design your babies”.
On a cartoon we have seen a clone-making factory, with a series of good looking and muscular men. Just one oh them is smaller and whiter than the other, so he is throwing into the skip. The selective breeding is a form of progress. The factory keep only the “perfect men”.

Moreover we have seen en extract of “Brave new world”. On this text the Director is showing some students around the factory. In it they are producing babies scientifically. The fertilizing process can be associated with progress because it eradicates genetic diseases and saves life.

An other extract “Design your babies” illustrates clearly the fact that progress can be good for our world. Perhaps in near future parents will be able to order a baby just like they order a fast food meal. This new technology can be considered has a hope because this allow to save life, to chose your baby's apparency and with this doctor could earn money. It's also a reduction of human suffering because we keep only baby who have a good health.
Progress can be bad
for the world

Indeed this new technology can be considered as a danger. On the one hand you chose only the perfect men but on the other hand they haven't personality, they are all the same. We can't recognize who are who. In future they would lose their human characteristic.

Then in “Brave new world”, the babies will become slaves and the Director could manipulate them like robots. He sees them only as a potential labor chip. This genetic manipulation is similar to mass production, in some therms is a step backwards. Even if the progress is an evolution of the world we can however think that it's bad and a lose of liberty.

Moreover the genetic manipulation we have seen in “Design your babies” it's not natural it's like a playing for the scientist and also the parents maybe.
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