Actuellement en terminale S je suis dans la réalisation de mes fiches pour l'oral d'anglais. J'aimerais avoir votre avis sur la qualité de mon travail. Merci ! (Présentation). I'm going to talk about the notion of Places and forms of power. To introduce this notion I will give you several definitions. The notion of power generally implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. Power is the ability to control others, events or resource. Places can also be a country or a state. There are five sort of power: executive, legislative, judicial power or the power of the media or the power of Internet. Are counter powers growing in influence ? 1. First we going to ask us self how new technologies have empowered citizens 2. Finally we will see the limits of citizens empowerment New technologies allow counter power to grow First, nowadays we can see a lot of news technologies like the mobile phone, Internet or social networks. The development of Internet is helping counter powers because thanks to Internet we can organize an event and share this with all people in the world without difficulties. Indeed in the text about the power of Google, we can see that Google can gathered informations at more than 30 countries. So with Google the informations are very quickly broadcast online. Before Internet and Google informations were share thanks to word of mouth and only a few person were informed. But now with Google a millions of person can get the informations. So this new technologies allow counter power to grow. With news technologies people can get organized rapidly In fact we can see on a cartoon, a person who are arrested in Wall Street. He's a protesters oh the “Occupy Wall Street Movement”. The slogan of the protesters is “We are the 99%”, representing Americans who have almost nothing compared to the riches 1% who have everything. There are many in the street thanks to Internet, so the news technologies have a great power to help to gather many people in the street. But there are limits Whereas new technologies allow of counter power to grow, there are lot of danger with Internet, social networks and radio. Indeed we can see that the new technologies have limits in a text “Flash looting”. The media was used during the genocide to encourage people to massacre other people. So new technologies can give a sort of bad power. Then even if there are a lot of manifestation like “Occupy wall street”, there is always the government who had more powers than other and cans stop manifestation. Indeed, on a cartoon we can see a man who are arrested during the manifestation in Wall Street. Moreover, some flash mobs are organized as we can see in the newspaper “courrier post online”, but there is always a security guard's observation. To conclude, we can say that counter power are growing in influence in the world. Actually it's thanks to the news technologies, because with this, we can organized manifestation rapidly. So people have the power they are so much in the street but they are arrested so the government has always the power compared the rest f the people.
Bonjour, actuellement en terminale S je suis dans la réalisation de mes fiches d'oral pour le BAC d'anglais. Pourriez vous corriger mes faute pour celle ci ? (Présentation). I'm going to talk about the notion Myths ans Heroes. Myth can be a legend or a thing from the past we still remember, it's can be an imaginary story. Myth is often associate with hero. A hero is someone who saves someone's life, he's powerful. In fact we can considered somebody who is hunting as an hero and this person can be a myth. We can ask us self about the several forms of witch hunting in the USA ? 1. First we will see witches ad witch hunting in 17th century America 2. Then we will see witches and witch hunting in 20th century America Witch and witch hunting in 17th century America During the 17th century, in America, many people were accused of witchcraft. Puritanism it was a very strict religious. So all forms of distractions were forbidden and considered as sin. People had to respect a very strict dress code and respect their values. They were scared of the devil infiltrating their community. Also in the 17th century, with hunting was omnipresent, for example during the trial of Salem, 200 people were accused of witchcraft and 20 were hanged. Witch hunting can be explained by popular belief and epidemics famines or illnesses . But people attributed all mysterious things to the devil and women were ideal victims to explain all the tragedy of the world. Witches and witch hunting in 20th century America As to the 17th century, we found the notion of « witch hunting » in the 20th century in America. In fact in these days, a politic against communism was put in place. We have seen a document “The Hollywood blacklist”. People's names were put on this list because they were accused of being Communists. We can considered them as hero because they fight everyday against people. We can also speak about Charlie Chaplin who was accused of Communist sympathies, and so he leaves America. Today he's a legend, famous and he 's a sort of hero because he returns in US to receive a special Academy Award. Moreover, in “The Crucible”, by Arthur Miller we can see a woman , five fingers are pointing at her. She looks afraid. These people are probably accusing her of being a witch. Maybe she did something wrong in the past, but she's clearly humiliated. She was accused of witchcraft. Even if today witch hunting doesn't really exist, numerous people are still rejected and excluded, without real reason. Especially small community in some countries, as in America : after the attack on « pearl harbor », the Japaneses communities living in the states was suspected to help the enemy. So they were the victims of American prejudice. They were scapegoats, and we see this very well on the film “Snow falling on Cedars”. To conclude, in all century there were heroes, legends and myths about witchcraft. Therefore some people were rejected by a country, a state or a community. Their story make them heroes. Witch hunting change but nowadays, there is always scapegoats.
Bonjour, actuellement en terminale S je suis dans la réalisation de mes fiches d'oral pour le BAC d'anglais. Pourriez vous corriger mes faute pour celles sur la notion idée de progrès ? (Presentation). I'm going to talk about the notion: Idea of Progress. To introduce this topic I will give several definitions. This notion basically consists in believing that the world can become better everyday in therms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life. Progress implies changes, evolution, development or more modern condition. In my opinion progress means that the world must be improve everyday to make a better life. We may wonder if progress is good or bad for the world where we live ? 1. On the one hand people are always trying to find more and more evolution to make a better life. 2. But in an other hand progress can be bad for us. To illustrate this notion I have chosen 3 documents: a cartoon, an extract of “Brave new world”, and another extract “Design your babies”. On a cartoon we have seen a clone-making factory, with a series of good looking and muscular men. Just one oh them is smaller and whiter than the other, so he is throwing into the skip. The selective breeding is a form of progress. The factory keep only the “perfect men”. Moreover we have seen en extract of “Brave new world”. On this text the Director is showing some students around the factory. In it they are producing babies scientifically. The fertilizing process can be associated with progress because it eradicates genetic diseases and saves life. An other extract “Design your babies” illustrates clearly the fact that progress can be good for our world. Perhaps in near future parents will be able to order a baby just like they order a fast food meal. This new technology can be considered has a hope because this allow to save life, to chose your baby's apparency and with this doctor could earn money. It's also a reduction of human suffering because we keep only baby who have a good health. Progress can be bad for the world Indeed this new technology can be considered as a danger. On the one hand you chose only the perfect men but on the other hand they haven't personality, they are all the same. We can't recognize who are who. In future they would lose their human characteristic. Then in “Brave new world”, the babies will become slaves and the Director could manipulate them like robots. He sees them only as a potential labor chip. This genetic manipulation is similar to mass production, in some therms is a step backwards. Even if the progress is an evolution of the world we can however think that it's bad and a lose of liberty. Moreover the genetic manipulation we have seen in “Design your babies” it's not natural it's like a playing for the scientist and also the parents maybe.

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