Bonjour es ce que quelqu un pourrait m'aider pour faire cette exercice en anglais ,je dois faire un dialogue avec les mots suivant :5 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Take turns to be A and B. Use different expressions from exercise 4 to make suggestions. Student A: Suggest doing one of the activities from the list below. Student B: Say I'd rather not' and then suggest a different activity do homework go for a bike ride go shopping go swimming have lunch in a café play tennis watch a DVD Writing Strategy In an informal text, you can use common abbreviations like e.g. and etc. You should use short forms like I'm and don't, not full forms (I am and do not).
Lista de comentários
Ce n'est qu'un exemple car il y en a plein de possibles :
(Si j'ai bien compris il ne fallait faire que deux phrases)
Student A : Let's do our homework !
Student B : I'd rather not do that, how about watching a DVD ?