Bonjour il faut remttre les mots ssivants dans le texte a trous
Experience ,want, learn, telling, grew up , looking for, flexibility , interview, team, members, finish, products ,pressure, impatient ; panicked

1) To ……………………………. yourself, you should say where you …………………………….. rather than ……………………………. you like partying

2) If you are ……………………………….., make it a strength by saying you always want to ……………………………………….. things on time.

3) Don’t tell you soon …………………………….. to be the boss, but insist on the fact you want to acquire ……………………………… and ……………………………….. from your co-workers.

4) Don’t say you will get ………………………………. if you have too many responsibilities, insist on your ……………………………………. and your organization.

5) Think about ……………………………………………… information before the ……………….. : learn about the ………………………….., awards…

6) Make ………………………………. something positive to improve your skills in communication with your ……………………………….
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