Bonjour, j'ai un devoir d'anglais avec cette question : What would you do if you were Moe ? J'ai donc écris quelques idées mais je n'en trouve plus pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ? Merci d'avance, niveau 3e. Cet exercice à un rapport avec le harcèlement, et pourriez-vous me dire si mon texte a du sens ?
Oui, ton texte a du sens mais comporte quelques fautes...
Ton titre est bien = what would you do ...? donc tu dois reprendre le modal "would"
If I were Moe, I would talk to people I can trust, friends, teachers and to my parents. I would tell them what Calvin is doing to me. I would also go to the police station to tell them someone is harassing (bullying) me.
You should never keep such a problem for yourself. People are around you to help you to keep you out of trouble. School harassment and bullying are punished by the law. You are the victim, don't forget it !
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Bonjour, merci Nathea pour votre réponse relativement rapide ainsi que votre briève explication.
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Oui, ton texte a du sens mais comporte quelques fautes...
Ton titre est bien = what would you do ...? donc tu dois reprendre le modal "would"
If I were Moe, I would talk to people I can trust, friends, teachers and to my parents. I would tell them what Calvin is doing to me. I would also go to the police station to tell them someone is harassing (bullying) me.
You should never keep such a problem for yourself. People are around you to help you to keep you out of trouble. School harassment and bullying are punished by the law. You are the victim, don't forget it !