Bonjour, j'ai un devoir en anglais pour lundi. Il faut faire un interview sur une célébrité excentrique. J'aimerai bien que vous m'aidiez en essayant de compléter l'interview.
Pour la célébrité on a pris Mika. Voila le début de l'interview. Sa va être à l'audio et faut que sa dure au moins 2 minutes. J'ai aussi mis le costume de Mika. Merci en avance.
Journaliste : Excuse me! Could I ask you some questions?
Mika : Why not, I won't mind.
Journaliste : Thanks you Mika, I'm Nolan from EnglishNews.
I'd like to know if you think clothes represent our soul ?
Mika : I think that clothes can represent yourself.
Journaliste : Really ? And why do you think that ?
Mika : I think this because clothes can show your mood, what you like and what you don't.
Journaliste : I see, and do you think your clothes represent you ?
Mika : I believe that my clothes do represent myself because it's a mirror of my soul.
Journaliste : Could you describe your outfit please ?
Mika : I wear a colorfull and fancy jacket, a white t-shirt, black pants and blue, white and red shoes
Journaliste : Why and do you like wearing those clothes ?
Mika : I like wearing them because they are original and a bit colorfull.
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Réponse :
Je pense que tu devrais ajouter des formules de politesse comme I'm glad to meet you, thank you for giving us your time to anwser to our questions..
Explications :