Bonjour, j’ai un dm à faire en anglais de 3e et je dois parler d’une serie que j’aime, des personnages principaux, un résumer, une ou deux photos tirer de la série et expliquer pour quoi on l’a choisit, et mes impressions sur la série et pourquoi je la conseille. J’ai déjà fais tout sa sous forme de diaporama, sauf que je dois employer le présent simple, le présent be+ing, utiliser so et such, make sb + bv, les expressions des goûts, et pour finir les pronoms relatifs (since, for, because..)
J’ai commencer mais je ne suis pas sûr de l’orthographe et pour tout ce qui est verbe etc non plus donc est-ce que quelqu’un peut me corriger sur sa, et rajouter so et such quand on peut
If I had to recommend a serie, it would be : The Insatiable. It is composed of two seasons, and the first one is as hilarious as the second one. With its dark and wacky humor, the serie still managed to talk about sensitive topics that many people around the world can relate to, unfortunatly. The actors play their role so well, that we sometimes forget that they're acting and it just feels like we're witnessing the miserable life of an obese person who suffered from bullying for several years and how she manages to beat obesity and participate in a beauty contest.
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If I had to recommend a serie, it would be : The Insatiable. It is composed of two seasons, and the first one is as hilarious as the second one. With its dark and wacky humor, the serie still managed to talk about sensitive topics that many people around the world can relate to, unfortunatly. The actors play their role so well, that we sometimes forget that they're acting and it just feels like we're witnessing the miserable life of an obese person who suffered from bullying for several years and how she manages to beat obesity and participate in a beauty contest.