Coucou, ouaip je vais t aider.
-Hello, I come for the job application.
- Of course ! Ask me the questions you want.
- How much could I be paid per hour?
- You will be paid £ 5.50.
- How many days will I work per week?
- You will work on Monday, Friday of 6 p.m/ 8p.m.
- What will my work consist my job ?
- Clean up, collect trays, empty bins.
- And what should be the expected qualities for this job?
- Must be reliable, hard-working, friendly with costumers.
- It's all about me.
- Very well ! So you are hired
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Coucou, ouaip je vais t aider.
-Hello, I come for the job application.
- Of course ! Ask me the questions you want.
- How much could I be paid per hour?
- You will be paid £ 5.50.
- How many days will I work per week?
- You will work on Monday, Friday of 6 p.m/ 8p.m.
- What will my work consist my job ?
- Clean up, collect trays, empty bins.
- And what should be the expected qualities for this job?
- Must be reliable, hard-working, friendly with costumers.
- It's all about me.
- Very well ! So you are hired