Bonjour, Je dois preparer un oral de 2-3min pour la rentrée en imaginant ce que serait ma routine a l'école des zombies. (on a travaillé sur une vidéo: zombie school a survival guide) il faut : - imaginer sa routine - parler de quelque chose qui nous est arrivé - parler d'une matière qui est enseignée dans cette école - et utiliser les mots ci-joint
merci beaucoup d'avance pour les reponses, j'ai absolument aucune idées...
heyyyyy j'espère que ça pourra t'aider ! je n'ai fait que jusqu'à parler d'une chose qui nous est arrivé désolé, déjà que ça m'as pris 30 min je te souhaite bonne chance pour finir ! je ne sais pas si ça fait vraiment 2-3 minutes mais j'ai essayé.
Everyone knows that a zombie doesn't wake up early, that's why we started classes at 11 a.m.
On Mondays we start with math. Well... Before. A zombie is not really intelligent, they cannot calculate in math. The math teacher is eaten by a zombie so he can't teach anymore. Between us, it's not such bad news.
we have normal subjects like French, English, history, geography, art, music and sport but also learn to eat well humans or make the sound of a zombie.
It's terrifying to be in this school at first, but after a while it becomes normal and we even have fun sometimes. It reminds me of the day I threw a banana peel on the ground. Zombie are notorious for being silly so I wondered if they were going to slide on it like humans. It was hilarious ! I laughed long enough. Of course I started running because the zombies noticed me.
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heyyyyy j'espère que ça pourra t'aider ! je n'ai fait que jusqu'à parler d'une chose qui nous est arrivé désolé, déjà que ça m'as pris 30 min je te souhaite bonne chance pour finir ! je ne sais pas si ça fait vraiment 2-3 minutes mais j'ai essayé.
Everyone knows that a zombie doesn't wake up early, that's why we started classes at 11 a.m.
On Mondays we start with math. Well... Before. A zombie is not really intelligent, they cannot calculate in math. The math teacher is eaten by a zombie so he can't teach anymore. Between us, it's not such bad news.
we have normal subjects like French, English, history, geography, art, music and sport but also learn to eat well humans or make the sound of a zombie.
It's terrifying to be in this school at first, but after a while it becomes normal and we even have fun sometimes. It reminds me of the day I threw a banana peel on the ground. Zombie are notorious for being silly so I wondered if they were going to slide on it like humans. It was hilarious ! I laughed long enough. Of course I started running because the zombies noticed me.