bonjour je dois raconter une histoire en 20 ligne sur se sujet :
Il y a eu une guerre chimique dévastatrice entre les nations les plus puissantes du monde. Incroyablement, toi et un petit groupe de gens avez réussi à vous abriter. Tu sors enfin après 45 jours sous terre... Écris sur ton confinement, les gens avec qui tu étais, et ce que tu fais et vois une fois dehors,
je dois utiliser le present perfect et pas de mots de Google interdit
The terrible chemical war destroyed the homes and shelters of all the residents. It was melting the dwellings and dissolving the people. They did not even feel the pain. They became dust. I survived, but my family did not. I and some of the survivors took refuge in an underground shelter. The problem is, the place was narrow and barely We could breathe, but we resisted, and after a few weeks we ran out of food underground, and we cruelly resorted to drawing lots, who would we eat among us? We ate dozens of ourselves, that is, we ate people, but this was for the sake of survival. After a while, the war ended, and when... We left the hideout. The place was not what it was. It had become dust and ashes. Everyone died and nothing remained. I was hoping that I would disappear from existence myself.
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The terrible chemical war destroyed the homes and shelters of all the residents. It was melting the dwellings and dissolving the people. They did not even feel the pain. They became dust. I survived, but my family did not. I and some of the survivors took refuge in an underground shelter. The problem is, the place was narrow and barely We could breathe, but we resisted, and after a few weeks we ran out of food underground, and we cruelly resorted to drawing lots, who would we eat among us? We ate dozens of ourselves, that is, we ate people, but this was for the sake of survival. After a while, the war ended, and when... We left the hideout. The place was not what it was. It had become dust and ashes. Everyone died and nothing remained. I was hoping that I would disappear from existence myself.
Because there is nothing left to live for....