Bonjour, j’espère que vous allez bien ? Je dois rendre un devoir en anglais mais je vous avoue que je n’ai pas trop d’inspiration ! Et je n’y arrive pas trop ! Pourriez-vous m’aider ? Merci d’avance
Sujet : - Choisir un objet -Décrie ta vie avant l’obtention de cette objet (ex: comment était ta vie avant, quelles etaient le problemes avant que tu es cet objet) -Maintenant que tu as cette objet (ex: comment est ta vie maintenant, qu’est ce qui a changer...) -Les avantages de cette objets 4. Convincres des acheteurs de l’acheter
Before that I haven't got a phone.i can't talk with my friends, I can't play with my friends. It's was difficult. My problems was, its was bored and I can't play with other people.
Now my life was change because I can play with my friend, I can send message and I can watch video on YouTube it's not boring.
The avantage of phone is: you can send message, call your friends or watch video.
It's a opportunity for you but there are a lot of people who's having a phone now.
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I have chose à phone.
Before that I haven't got a phone.i can't talk with my friends, I can't play with my friends. It's was difficult. My problems was, its was bored and I can't play with other people.
Now my life was change because I can play with my friend, I can send message and I can watch video on YouTube it's not boring.
The avantage of phone is: you can send message, call your friends or watch video.
It's a opportunity for you but there are a lot of people who's having a phone now.
Voilà j'espère que cela te convient
Réponse : Objet : télévision
Vie avant cet objet Et pb : pas au courant des nouvelles en France ou dans le monde, s’ennuyer , pas possible de jouer à la console ......ect
Vie avec cet objet : savoir les nouvelles, regarder des séries/films , jouer ......ect
Explications :