hello my friend I hope everything is going well. I am sending you a short message to tell you that I miss you and that your volunteering is going well. good luck.
A mince je n’avais pas vu ton message tu doit lui donner des conseils? Peut tu me donner quelques exemples.
Guess what I’ve done it I’ve just Told my parents I am leaving to be a volunteer Told my parents I am leaving to be a volunteer in India for the Red Cross.I’ve explained everything: volunteer usually arrive in January after the Christmas holiday and meet the local team and organizers the very day They exchange with the local doctors and nurses .
Volunteer visit the local orphanage with a teamof Practioners To see children who need medical care I am so motivated. ! I’II visit to the country at weekends
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Réponse :
Bonjour, qu'esc ce que tu veut lui dire, dis moi puis je peut t'aider :)
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