Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider car je n'ai plus d'idée en tête. Dans ton cahier, rédigé quelques phrases pour donner des conseils à tes amis sur ce qu'il devait faire pour s'occuper intelligemment durant le confinement et ce qu'ils ne devrait pas faire parce que ce n'est pas bon pour leur santé. Voilà Et merci par avance
Hi (prénom de la personne), I hope you are fine,and you are not board.
I have some ideass for you, in the period of confinement.
First, if you have a garden, build a tent, you can also make chocolate cake, look on google for the recipies. If you are a girl, you can ut some nail polish, and make you a nice hair cut. If you are board, you can draw or paint.
But be cairful, when you go out, you should wear your mask, because someone can contamin you. You shouls wash your hands, and take a shower.
Lista de comentários
Bonjour voici un exemple de chaque.
In this period of confinement you must do sports regularly.
And above all, you must not go out without your certificate.
Traduction :En cette période de confinement tu dois faire du sport régulièrement.
Et tu ne dois surtout pas sortir sans ton attestation.
Réponse :
Hi (prénom de la personne), I hope you are fine,and you are not board.
I have some ideass for you, in the period of confinement.
First, if you have a garden, build a tent, you can also make chocolate cake, look on google for the recipies. If you are a girl, you can ut some nail polish, and make you a nice hair cut. If you are board, you can draw or paint.
But be cairful, when you go out, you should wear your mask, because someone can contamin you. You shouls wash your hands, and take a shower.
Explications :