1- Three thousand and twenty-seven = 3027
2- Zero point five = O,5
3- Quarter to five in the evening = 16h 45 ou cinq heures moins le quart
4- seventy meters squared = soixante dix mètre carré ==>70m²
5- The eighteenth of April nineteen eighty-three = le 18 avril 1983
6- Nineteen twenty-nine = 1929
7- one thousand, nine hundred and twenty nine = 1929
8- eighty-five per cent = 85%
9- One fifth = un cinquième
10- twenty-five dollars thirty-eight cents = 25 dollars et trente huit centimes
bonne journée ☺☺☺
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1- Three thousand and twenty-seven = 3027
2- Zero point five = O,5
3- Quarter to five in the evening = 16h 45 ou cinq heures moins le quart
4- seventy meters squared = soixante dix mètre carré ==>70m²
5- The eighteenth of April nineteen eighty-three = le 18 avril 1983
6- Nineteen twenty-nine = 1929
7- one thousand, nine hundred and twenty nine = 1929
8- eighty-five per cent = 85%
9- One fifth = un cinquième
10- twenty-five dollars thirty-eight cents = 25 dollars et trente huit centimes
bonne journée ☺☺☺