We can see here some people who’re building a bridge. There’s 2 teams and each one works on their one. The sky is blue, the grass is green... they are trying to reach two different parts on cliff.
J’ai une deuxième question nous travaillons en classe sur la chanson imagine de John Lennon cette chanson parle de Paix dans le monde d’aides entre pays etc...
Mon professeur d’anglais demande qu’est-ce qu’e le peintre à voulu montrer avec son œuvre et selon moi je pense qu’il a voulu montrer des personnes qui travaillent ennsemble unis ect.....
S’y tu arrives à me faire un petit paragraphe expliquant cela❤️
These guys looks determined to reach the other part and finish to built the bridge. This picture shows peacefully and friendship : they want to be with all the other guys, to be together. So the picture teach us that we always need the others and we can’t live alone
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There are a bunch of people that are using wooden planks to try and build a bridge to reach the other side
We can see here some people who’re building a bridge. There’s 2 teams and each one works on their one. The sky is blue, the grass is green... they are trying to reach two different parts on cliff.
En espérant t’avoir aidée !
Bon courage!