January 2021 0 105 Report
Bonsoir, je devais inventer une histoire à suspense en anglais, pourriez vous me la corriger s'il vous plaît? I don’t know who I am, I don’t know where I am. It’s dark, I’m on the floor. It stinks. I stand up and I open the door. It seems that it’s a hospital but it’s strange because it’s ransacked. The lights are not on.

I move and I’m terrified. There is blood everywhere, on the floor, on the walls. I can see the dead body of a child.

Suddenly, I hear a strange sound. I turn around and I see nothing so, I turn around again and the body has disappeared. It seems to me I’m not alone here and this worries me a bit. I have feeling that I am being followed.

Suddenly, I can feel something grabbing my leg, it’s the child zombie.

So, I run as fast I can. The zombie run after me but he is slower than me and I can outrun. But I realize an other zombie hunt me. At the back of the hall I see the board “exit”. I rush to the door but it’s closed.

Therefore, I try to force open the locked door without success. I must to turn back and I open the frits door in my right. I enter and close the door in silent. I wait and praying for zombies don’t find me and go away. The room is plunging in the darkness and in the stench of death.

When zombies left, I turn on the lights. I am worried, horrified. I push a cry of horror, a face of zombie lie me at 5 cm of me. After one second of shock, I turn around and I run. But the other zombies heard my cry and arrive. I am surrounded.

Then all of sudden I look up to beg god, I am save! There is a flap. I jump to catch the ventilation hatch and I creep into the ventilation ducts.

While I continue to move in ducts, I can see that the place is infest for zombie. They shift slowly, they have a grey skin with stains green and brown. That look like to rot. It is so disgusting and frightening!

They don’t have teeth or they are rotten they don’t have a nose but only a hole. Their eyes are bulging.

When I watched zombie, I learn that they are stupid creature but very dangerous monster. Sometimes, they scream a huge “AAAAAAARGH” that shake the walls! I’m terrified every time t hear this sound.

I decide to sleep in the conducts because I’m exhausted and this is the only place where I’m safe.


(6 hours after)



Oh it’s just the zombie’s scream. I was afraid…

Now, I must to find a way to escape me t this nightmare… but I’m lost in the conduct, it’s worse than a maze. Suddenly I heard the incessant cry of a voice pleading for help. It’s a woman. I rush to a hatch and I watch a girl eaten by zombies. I’m so afraid, I’m paralyse.

So I turn around, I must make a plan to escape. All rooms were full of zombies. I decide to will out of the ducts in an operating room where there is only one zombie. It’s a surgeon zombie.

It’s the moment, the sawbones’s back is turned. I jump out of the conduct, I run to catch a scalpel and I slit him throat.

I must leave before the zombie rises. I therefore take a saw to defend myself and the dead doctor’s badge to access any rooms. I go out in silence in the hall but an electronic surgery knife fall and full of zombie arrive.

I’m in a shit!

I push the operating table against the door to have time to climb up at the duct. I close the aeration grid just before the first zombie kick down the door.

My plan failed, I will never get out of here. I’m dying here, alone.

That’s when, I remembered from my family. I have two sons. Also I remembered that I was a doctor in this hospital.

All my memories come back progressively to me. It’s amazing! I had to receive a shock when I fell. What caused an occasional amnesia.

I miss him, I would have preferred not to have remembered to them. I wonder if they are safe… I have to find them and for this, it is necessary that I escape me.

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