January 2021 1 80 Report
Bonsoir tout le monde, pourriez vous me corriger mon texte en anglais svp?

The drug is an addictive substance and is a plant or an infusion of chemicals. There are different kinds of drug because a part are legalise like alcohol or cigarette. And the effet are differents.

The biggest reason for taking drugs is pressure from friends and from exams. Beredom or family problems can also cause young people to take drugs and loss of a loved one.

The consequences of cannabis use are; hallucination, become anxious and paranoïd, can have serious mental problems when they are older and it can make asthma worse and can cause lung cancer. The police will arrest you and you will be suspended and may be excluded of school.

The solution are that children in school must be told about the danger of drugs as early as the age of five and introduce drug testing for school pupils.

For me if it's a drug as in medicine I'm not against it because it saves life but if it's drug like marijuana or other I'm against it because the completely ruin the people's lives.

Merci d'avance
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