Bonsoir,pouvez vous me dire ce que représente ce tableau en anglais s'il vous plaît.En commençant la phrase par : It shows... C'est pour lundi.Je ne sais pas quoi mettre aidez moi s'il vous plaît.Ce sera noter.Merci d'avance.
It shows Mr Barack Obama , sitting in a bus exactly where Mrs Rosa Park was sitting, with the same look through the window It's a very strong picture, and a real tribute to this lady,who, 59 years ago, refused to let her place to a white man in a bus. She , in a way, began to make things move. She was ready to go to prison. She didn't want to move, she was so tired, she was a dressmaker and was working hard for white people so why should she let her seat ? The bus driver called the police and she was arrested an get to prison. Martin Luther King called for a huge boycoott and finally on November the 13th, 1956, the American Supreme Court forbade the segregation in buses.
So this picture has a really strong and emotional meaning
bonne journée :)
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BonjourIt shows Mr Barack Obama , sitting in a bus exactly where Mrs Rosa Park was sitting, with the same look through the window
It's a very strong picture, and a real tribute to this lady,who, 59 years ago, refused to let her place to a white man in a bus.
She , in a way, began to make things move. She was ready to go to prison. She didn't want to move, she was so tired, she was a dressmaker and was working hard for white people so why should she let her seat ? The bus driver called the police and she was arrested an get to prison. Martin Luther King called for a huge boycoott and finally on November the 13th, 1956, the
American Supreme Court forbade the segregation in buses.
So this picture has a really strong and emotional meaning
bonne journée :)