April 2019 1 91 Report
Exercice 1 :
on considère l'expression : D= ( 2x+3)au carré +( x-5)(2x+3)
1) developper et reduire l'expression D
2) factoriser l'expression D
3) resoudre l'equation D=0

exercice 2 :
en utilisant les informations portées sur la figure, calculer la troncature à 0,1 cm près de FG

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Title : Tim Burton : a biographyintroduction : Tim Burton is one of the most people acclaimed in the world . He is unassuming . It is one of the best director in the world of cinema .Sub - headings : The start of his careerTim Burton was born in Burbank in California in U.S.A on August 25, 1958.He's favorite activities was drawing cartoons , watching old movies and dreaming. In 1973 his anti-litter posters wins a local competition . He was 16 he leaves home to live alone in a flat . When he had 18 years old , he had won a scholarship for California institute of the Art .Burton had his first job in 1979 therefore at 21 years old : animator for the Disney Studios .But in 1984 , Disney Studios refuse to release his short film because they declared : ''it is too scary for children'' and therefore Tim Burton left the Disney Studios.Burton is one of the most persevering directors.Sub -Headings : the continuation ... Then he realizes : Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and this box-office hit is a surprise .But , from 1985 to 1988 he had no idea and he doesn't make a film. Finally in 1988 , Tim makes a box-office : Beetlejuice , a very strange comedy , the first with Michael Keaton . Burton makes a lot of film from 1989 to 1992 : Batman World (1989) it was one of the biggest hit ever ; Edward Scissorhandq : his film with Johnny Depp (1996) a big hit also and Batman Returns (1992) it was an financial success but Batman fans disappointed .After that the Warner Brothers reject Burton as director of Batman Forever at 37 years old.Sub-headings : Director's life is more than 40 years Tim Burton had shot more than 10 film ! he begin her career on 27 years old , it's very late . He is a very professional , currently , the most independante director , he's a legend , he is a greatest star.From 1996 to 2005 he shoot 6 film and in 2005 thought he had a nomination for academy award for best animated feature and he had a golden globe at 49 years old for best pictures in his fils : Sweeny Todd , the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.conclusion : It is not suprising that Burton is considered one of the best director .il faudrait le corriger avant lundi soir

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