January 2021 1 149 Report
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The work is called seven pelicans
On this Henry NEUBIG's work I can seein the middle seven pelicans.
It measures 1002 x628 cm
In the foreground I see the reflection of these seven pelicans, I can guessther is water.
Henry NEUBIG paints whith mud, watercolours, oil painting, clay...They are raw materials of the nature, that's why the water is very dark and looks dirty as in a lake.
The pelicans have their feet in the water. Only that in the middle is turned to the spectator. I can see him with his wings. Others look towards the horizon. Their backs are turned.
We can see the head of five pelicans. Two others look at the bottom but we can't know at what they look, because there is no bottom.
The upper part is made by a grey and cloudy sky.
In the right-hand corner we can perceive the signature of the painter Henry NEUBIG.

Analysis of the work.
It seems to me that Henry Neubig wanted to paint these pelicans as if they were men. One might even think that it is a group of friends, some look at the horizon, some wait, or think.
They seem to live simply, at another time.
The dark colors also make me think that pelicans have negative thoughts, they look sad.

Personal opinion :
Despite the presence of the 7 pelicans this painting has a very negative effect because of the dark colors used by the painter.
I prefer works with warm colors (red yellow orange) and that gives a more positive effect for the viewer.
On the other hand I like the idea that Henry Neubig had by working only with naturals materials.
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