I Drank Alcohol After 82 Days of Sobriety
Manab J Kalita

What’s different since my last attempt?
I was on my 83rd day of quitting alcohol on the 24th of March. It was a pretty decent day, to begin with, but by evening I felt like everything spiraled out of control. I am an ambivert, so on most days, I’m happy with my job as a content writer.

But on other days, I miss my short stint as a photographer when I went out with a few like-minded souls on photography retreats. It was such a day on the 24th. I was drained of any energy by evening so I went out to complete an article for a client. I went to a café near my home and worked on finishing the article in the café itself.

I returned home at around 6 in the evening, but by that time I was wanting a drink. I thought I would make an exception and drink just a couple of beers rather than my regular drink of whiskey.

I spent the next three days drinking each evening. I even attended a party with a few guys I am the most comfortable around. They in fact celebrated that I was back to having “fun.”

So much for the support and genuine friendship.

It is March 28, 2022, and I already have another day of sobriety under my belt.

What This Break From Alcohol Changed in My Thought Process
As mentioned in my previous posts, I have been trying to quit alcohol for the past couple of years. And each time, I am getting so much insight from the process.
It was only last year when such a hiatus would have led me down the rabbit hole. But not this time, this time I was mindful of my behavior in these three days, and I wanted out as soon as I had that first drink on the 24th.

I know that contradicts my own words having drunk for 3 days. But it's a process on its own. And I am still learning.

What’s Next for Me
I now have a plan and a goal in mind. I will do the next 100 days and then rethink and reassess my position. I will write down all the positives, negatives, and all things in between about my days sober, as well as drunk, if any at all.

I will take it from there. I was scared last year when I first decided to stop drinking, but this time that fear has receded. I am not scared of who I will be in the future, as I already got a glimpse of that person.
Disponível em: . Acesso em 01 de julho de 2022. Adaptado.
Considerando as informações contidas no texto, analise as afirmações a seguir.
I. O autor do texto afirma que começou a tentar deixar de consumir álcool 83 dias atrás.
II. O autor afirma que, quando decidiu parar de consumir álcool, no ano anterior, ele sentiu medo.
III. O intuito do autor, ao escrever o texto, é apresentar seu lamento com relação a não ter sido capaz de deixar de consumir bebidas alcoólicas de forma alguma.
IV. Como plano futuro, o autor do texto expressa que, durante os 100 dias seguintes, anotará os pontos positivos e negativos de suas vivências enquanto estiver sóbrio e também nos dias em que consumir álcool, de forma que possa repensar e reavaliar sua posição.

É correto o que se afirma em

Alternativa 1:
I, apenas.

Alternativa 2:
I e III, apenas.

Alternativa 3:
II e IV, apenas.

Alternativa 4:
I, III e IV, apenas.

Alternativa 5:
I, II, III e IV.
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