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July 2023 | 1 Respostas
Os Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIGs) disponíveis no mercado podem possuir funções e níveis de complexidade de uso diferentes, mas com alguns elementos estruturais em comum. Filtz (2010) considera quatro componentes básicos em um SIG: hardware: compõe a estrutura computacional física do SIG; software: compõe os programas de computador do SIG; dados: compõem os registros das informações analisadas do SIG; e pessoas: compõem os recursos humanos que vão alimentar, analisar e sintetizar as informações espaciais do SIG. Adaptado de: BÁGGIO, J. M.; GARBIN, E. P.; BORRALHO, R. de D. Geoprocessamento. Maringá: Unicesumar, 2022. 193 p. Diante desse contexto, na perspectiva apresentada, esses componentes: Alternativas Alternativa 1: Têm como destaque o software, considerado o principal componente em um SIG. Alternativa 2: São responsáveis pela representação espacial da totalidade das características do espaço geográfico. Alternativa 3: Não são interdependentes, portanto, na ausência de algum deles, a análise espacial não é comprometida. Alternativa 4: São pouco acessíveis, devido aos altos preços das tecnologias e pouca disponibilidade de dados via internet. Alternativa 5: Não podem apresentar problemas ou limitações, pois são fundamentais para que a análise espacial alcance certo grau de eficácia.
June 2023 | 2 Respostas
A Internet nos permite, atualmente, o acesso a notícias de diferentes partes do mundo – grande parte delas, escritas em língua inglesa. Tal é o caso da notícia transcrita abaixo, originalmente publicada no site no jornal queniano Daily Nation, em 23 de julho de 2020. Covid-19: Tension in Madagascar after minister requests international help Cracks are appearing in Madagascar's government after its health minister requested international help to cope with a surge in Covid-19 cases despite an official campaign to promote a touted fix for the virus. The government has been distributing a herbal drink that President Andry Rajoelina has proclaimed as a cure for coronavirus and protection against it, despite warnings the brew has not been clinically tested. Hospital officials in the capital Antananarivo have said they are running out of beds as infections have surged in recent days. "The government would like to express its dismay at the discovery of a letter signed by the minister of public health urgently requesting support in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic," government spokeswoman Lalatiana Rakotozafy said in a statement dated Tuesday. In a letter addressed Monday to donors, Health Minister Ahmad Ahmad made an "urgent appeal" to development agencies. "Over the past weeks, the Covid-19 epidemic has evolved in a very critical way in Madagascar with notable flare-ups in certain regions, particularly in Antananarivo," it said. The health ministry itemised what it called its "most urgent needs" -- oxygen bottles, 337 ventilators, 2.3 million face masks, 697,000 pairs of gloves and 533,200 medical blouses. The ministry's appeal "is a personal initiative", taken "without consulting" either the government or Rajoelina”, the government statement said. "It is clear that many crucial points in the management of this health crisis have escaped the vigilance of the minister of public health," it said. To date Madagascar, a poor Indian Ocean island-nation, has recorded 8,162 coronavirus cases, including 69 deaths. President Rajoelina has been promoting an infusion derived from artemisia - a plant with proven anti-malarial properties -- as a homegrown cure for Covid-19. The drink, which has been called Covid-Organics, has been distributed not only in Madagascar but also in several other countries, mainly in Africa. The UN's World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned that there have been no published scientific studies to validate claims for the drink, and mainstream scientists have pointed out the potential risks from untested concoctions. POVERTY Most of Madagascar's 26 million inhabitants live in grinding poverty with limited access to healthcare, and regularly take herbal teas for a variety of common ailments. The government has blamed the recent jump in cases on "increased testing capacity". "Positive Covid-19 cases did not take (Covid-Organics) or only took it sporadically, without following the prescribed dosage," said official documents sent to AFP on Tuesday. On June 4, Education Minister Rijasoa Andriamanana was sacked after announcing a plan to spend $2.2 million (1.9 million euros) on sweets and lollipops for children to ease the "bitter taste" of the drink. The expense sparked outrage, fanned by the Malagasy press, and the order was cancelled. Disponível em: . Acesso em 23 jul. 2020 (adaptado). Considerando o texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas. I. O autor do texto utiliza o tempo verbal Present Perfect Continuous em “The government has been distributing a herbal drink” e em “President Rajoelina has been promoting an infusion derived from artemisia”. PORQUE II. No momento da publicação da notícia, fazia-se necessário evidenciar que o governo já havia interrompido a distribuição e promoção de infusões que, supostamente, seriam capazes de prevenir a Covid-19, bem como curar os pacientes já acometidos por ela. A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta. Alternativas Alternativa 1: As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa correta da I. Alternativa 2: As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justificativa correta da I. Alternativa 3: A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição falsa. Alternativa 4: A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira. Alternativa 5: As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
June 2023 | 2 Respostas
Gentleminions, rejoice! The only movie Quentin Tarantino’s kid has seen is Despicable Me 2 (...) By Matt Schimkowitz Our gentlest minions, we have some very exciting news for you. The acclaimed filmmaker and movie-lover known for popularizing extremely niche genres, actors, directors, and tired jokes about feet, Quentin Tarantino has begun passing on the finest of cinematic delights to the next generation. According to a recent interview with Empire, Tarantino’s two-year-old son has seen one movie. Was it Sister Street Fighter? How about Tony Scott’s Renegade? The Great Waldo Pepper? Nope. No. Sorry. The kid has only seen Despicable Me 2. So the only question now is, does he need to see another movie? “[My son is] pretty young, so he’s only really seen one movie,” Tarantino told Empire. “I thought I was hitting a Minions cartoon, and I realize it’s Despicable Me 2. And he seemed to be interested in the opening credits, so I go, ‘Okay, I guess we’re watching Despicable Me 2. He gets up and he walks behind the couch, but he’s still watching the TV. We watched it for 20 minutes, until it was time for him to go to the park, and then the next day we watched another 15 minutes of it. And so, in the course of a week, in small bites, the first movie Leo ever watched was Despicable Me 2.” The revelation of a child enjoying the Minions puts to rest years of criticism that the Minions are only for teenage boys in suits and moms on Facebook. So, Gentleminions of the world, we implore you: Take young Leo Tarantino under your H&M blazers and train him in the ways of Gru—at least until we get a screening of Despicable Me 3 at the New Beverly. Now, we know this isn’t news that most care about. It might not even be worth the publication of this article. Nevertheless, millions of people paid hard-earned money last weekend to make Minions: The Rise Of Gru a cultural inflection point. The scene was chaos as innocent teens, hoping to bring some style and finesse to the movies by emulating their prophet Nicole Kidman, were shut out in the cold for wearing ties to the cineplex. It seems as though some theater owners might be tired of Stuart, Kevin, and Bob saying “ba-na-na.” Well, Tarantino’s kid isn’t, so back off! Disponível em: . Acesso em 7 de julho de 2022. Com base nas informações apresentadas no texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas. I. O trecho “The kid has only seen Despicable Me 2” apresenta o uso do tempo verbal Present Perfect PORQUE II. Nesse trecho o autor tem o intuito de indicar o fato de o filho de Quentin Tarantino ter assistido ao filme Despicable Me 2 repetidas vezes, sem parar, antes dos passeios ao parque. A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta.
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
O texto a seguir é uma notícia, na qual se reporta um acidente na subestação de energia em Odessa, nos Estados Unidos. Odessa spends Wednesday without electricity after animals enter the substation LAFAYETTE COUNTY, Mo. (KCTV) – Angela Brodeur’s kids were swimming in the pool around 1am when they noticed huge flashes of lightning near the Odessa water tower. “My youngest brother ran into the house and said there was something going on in town, like the town was blown up, that it just lit up. He didn’t know what was going on, he was completely panicking,” Brodeur said. By the time Angela got out, the city of Odessa was pitch black. Officials from Evergy said the outage began affecting Odessa around 1 a.m. Wednesday. They said an animal entered a city-owned substation and came into contact with the equipment, damaging the city’s equipment and Evergy’s equipment. A nearby substation recognized the problem and isolated it from the grid. Before it was isolated, however, about a mile of Evergy transmission caught fire. The crew members have been actively working on the line all day. Luckily, Angela didn’t lose power because she was out of town. She said she hoped it would return soon and that she would never forget that moment. “When he showed me the video that he and my other son had shot, it just reminded me of the movie Independence Day when the alien ship swooped in and brought down the Empire State Building. It’s like the whole town is lit up,” said Brodeur. The city has issued updates throughout the day, saying crews are working extremely hard in the heat to get power back, and that it hopes to have power restored later this evening. Around 7:30 p.m., the city also said it would have to “put down at a later date” for permanent repairs. However, that will be announced at that time. Around 9 p.m., the city said: “We are slowly getting the system up and running. Some areas will be restored to power. It will take some time.” Finally, at 9:27 p.m., the city said: “All circuits have been restored to power. Please call us at 816-633-5521 if you are without power." Disponível em: . Acesso em 7 de julho de 2022. Adaptado. Considerando as informações contidas no texto, analise as afirmações a seguir. I. Os filhos de Angela Brodeur viram grandes raios de luz enquanto nadavam na piscina, por volta da 1h da manhã. II. Em seu relato, Brodeur compara as imagens do acidente, que ela viu em um vídeo, com imagens de um filme. III. O irmão mais novo de Angela Brodeur estava em pânico ao contar a ela que o ocorrido na cidade parecia uma explosão. IV. De acordo com os oficiais da empresa Evergy, o corte de energia ocorreu devido a um animal que adentrou uma subestação e causou danos a equipamentos. É correto o que se afirma em Alternativas Alternativa 1: II, apenas. Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas. Alternativa 3: II e IV, apenas. Alternativa 4: I, III e IV, apenas. Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
I Drank Alcohol After 82 Days of Sobriety Manab J Kalita What’s different since my last attempt? I was on my 83rd day of quitting alcohol on the 24th of March. It was a pretty decent day, to begin with, but by evening I felt like everything spiraled out of control. I am an ambivert, so on most days, I’m happy with my job as a content writer. But on other days, I miss my short stint as a photographer when I went out with a few like-minded souls on photography retreats. It was such a day on the 24th. I was drained of any energy by evening so I went out to complete an article for a client. I went to a café near my home and worked on finishing the article in the café itself. I returned home at around 6 in the evening, but by that time I was wanting a drink. I thought I would make an exception and drink just a couple of beers rather than my regular drink of whiskey. I spent the next three days drinking each evening. I even attended a party with a few guys I am the most comfortable around. They in fact celebrated that I was back to having “fun.” So much for the support and genuine friendship. It is March 28, 2022, and I already have another day of sobriety under my belt. What This Break From Alcohol Changed in My Thought Process As mentioned in my previous posts, I have been trying to quit alcohol for the past couple of years. And each time, I am getting so much insight from the process. It was only last year when such a hiatus would have led me down the rabbit hole. But not this time, this time I was mindful of my behavior in these three days, and I wanted out as soon as I had that first drink on the 24th. I know that contradicts my own words having drunk for 3 days. But it's a process on its own. And I am still learning. What’s Next for Me I now have a plan and a goal in mind. I will do the next 100 days and then rethink and reassess my position. I will write down all the positives, negatives, and all things in between about my days sober, as well as drunk, if any at all. I will take it from there. I was scared last year when I first decided to stop drinking, but this time that fear has receded. I am not scared of who I will be in the future, as I already got a glimpse of that person. Disponível em: . Acesso em 01 de julho de 2022. Adaptado. Considerando as informações contidas no texto, analise as afirmações a seguir. I. O autor do texto afirma que começou a tentar deixar de consumir álcool 83 dias atrás. II. O autor afirma que, quando decidiu parar de consumir álcool, no ano anterior, ele sentiu medo. III. O intuito do autor, ao escrever o texto, é apresentar seu lamento com relação a não ter sido capaz de deixar de consumir bebidas alcoólicas de forma alguma. IV. Como plano futuro, o autor do texto expressa que, durante os 100 dias seguintes, anotará os pontos positivos e negativos de suas vivências enquanto estiver sóbrio e também nos dias em que consumir álcool, de forma que possa repensar e reavaliar sua posição. É correto o que se afirma em Alternativas Alternativa 1: I, apenas. Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas. Alternativa 3: II e IV, apenas. Alternativa 4: I, III e IV, apenas. Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
As estruturas das condicionais, em Língua Inglesa, reportam ideias de causa e consequência – dada uma determinada condição, há um determinado resultado. As denominadas “zero conditional” e “first conditional” são entendidas como aquelas que, dentre as quatro condicionais, estariam mais relacionadas à possibilidade de efetiva realização. O texto abaixo é parte de um post sobre relacionamentos veiculado pelo website Bustle, e apresenta construções nas condicionais zero e primeira. If your relationship is strong and brimming with love, you may notice a few things your partner does without hesitation, simply because they want to (...). Apart from wanting to be a good partner, it can also stem from their strong feelings. If your partner responds quickly when you need help — even if that just means stepping out of work to call you back — you know you're a top priority to them. If they do something wrong, they'll want to tell you right away. If your partner has your best interests at heart, and really cares for you deeply, then they won't hesitate to see things from your point of view. If you are truly in love with someone, you will never make them a second option! Disponível em: . Acesso em 20 de jul. de 2019 (Adaptado). Considerando o texto, analise as afirmações a seguir I. O trecho “If you are truly in love with someone” introduz uma construção de first conditional. II. O trecho “If your partner responds quickly when you need help” introduz uma construção de first conditional. III.O trecho “If you are truly in love with someone, you will never make them a second option!” está na primeira condicional. IV. O trecho “If they do something wrong, they'll want to tell you right away” poderia ser assim traduzido: “Se eles fizessem algo errado, eles iriam querer que você os avisasse rapidamente”. É correto o que se afirma em Alternativas Alternativa 1: II, apenas. Alternativa 2: I e III, apenas. Alternativa 3: II e III, apenas. Alternativa 4: I, III e IV, apenas. Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.
June 2023 | 2 Respostas
Covid-19: Tension in Madagascar after minister requests international help Cracks are appearing in Madagascar's government after its health minister requested international help to cope with a surge in Covid-19 cases despite an official campaign to promote a touted fix for the virus. The government has been distributing a herbal drink that President Andry Rajoelina has proclaimed as a cure for coronavirus and protection against it, despite warnings the brew has not been clinically tested. Hospital officials in the capital Antananarivo have said they are running out of beds as infections have surged in recent days. "The government would like to express its dismay at the discovery of a letter signed by the minister of public health urgently requesting support in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic," government spokeswoman Lalatiana Rakotozafy said in a statement dated Tuesday. In a letter addressed Monday to donors, Health Minister Ahmad Ahmad made an "urgent appeal" to development agencies. "Over the past weeks, the Covid-19 epidemic has evolved in a very critical way in Madagascar with notable flare-ups in certain regions, particularly in Antananarivo," it said. The health ministry itemised what it called its "most urgent needs" -- oxygen bottles, 337 ventilators, 2.3 million face masks, 697,000 pairs of gloves and 533,200 medical blouses. The ministry's appeal "is a personal initiative", taken "without consulting" either the government or Rajoelina”, the government statement said. "It is clear that many crucial points in the management of this health crisis have escaped the vigilance of the minister of public health," it said. To date Madagascar, a poor Indian Ocean island-nation, has recorded 8,162 coronavirus cases, including 69 deaths. President Rajoelina has been promoting an infusion derived from artemisia - a plant with proven anti-malarial properties -- as a homegrown cure for Covid-19. The drink, which has been called Covid-Organics, has been distributed not only in Madagascar but also in several other countries, mainly in Africa. The UN's World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned that there have been no published scientific studies to validate claims for the drink, and mainstream scientists have pointed out the potential risks from untested concoctions. POVERTY Most of Madagascar's 26 million inhabitants live in grinding poverty with limited access to healthcare, and regularly take herbal teas for a variety of common ailments. The government has blamed the recent jump in cases on "increased testing capacity". "Positive Covid-19 cases did not take (Covid-Organics) or only took it sporadically, without following the prescribed dosage," said official documents sent to AFP on Tuesday. On June 4, Education Minister Rijasoa Andriamanana was sacked after announcing a plan to spend $2.2 million (1.9 million euros) on sweets and lollipops for children to ease the "bitter taste" of the drink. The expense sparked outrage, fanned by the Malagasy press, and the order was cancelled. Disponível em: . Acesso em 23 jul. 2020 (adaptado). Considerando o texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas. I. O autor do texto utiliza o tempo verbal Present Perfect Continuous em “The government has been distributing a herbal drink” e em “President Rajoelina has been promoting an infusion derived from artemisia”. PORQUE II. No momento da publicação da notícia, fazia-se necessário evidenciar que o governo já havia interrompido a distribuição e promoção de infusões que, supostamente, seriam capazes de prevenir a Covid-19, bem como curar os pacientes já acometidos por ela. A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta. Alternativas Alternativa 1: As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa correta da I. Alternativa 2: As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justificativa correta da I. Alternativa 3: A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição falsa. Alternativa 4: A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira. Alternativa 5: As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
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