January 2021 1 99 Report
Pourriez vous m'aider a corriger des fautes svp ? Ou si vous avez des améliorations a apporter. (C'est un travail en anglais ou je dois presenter mon club de cuisine)

Hello everyone ! Today I present you the cooking club.
You want improve to culinary level ? Or surprise your guests ? This club is for you ! Throughout the year, you knowledge of cooking will grow and your recipe book will only increase. You will learn at the same time the best recipes to realize solo or in team but also the secret techniques of the world of the kitchen. This club is an opportunity to gather to share our opinions about the good or bad restaurant in the city. It also a moment to meet new friends with whom you would progress together. A chef is mobilized to offer students excellent lessons and we deliver all his knowledge to be the king or the queen of the kitchen.

In program:
-Making essential menu
-Learn wich aromas/ingredients get married together
-Make you travel with recipes from around the world
-Meet passionate people of gastronomy

Don't forget the American food that is a heart of ou diet: the most succulent hamburger, the Buffalo wings with their BBQ sauce, the biggest waffles…
It makes the mouth water !
These cooking classes take place in the high school at the canteen: we then have different equipment has provisions: Professional oven, Robot culinaire, sleeve pockets, the largest fridge in the city and a lot of other things. The ingredients are financed by the school but it will be necessary to acquire more money for our projects. Also, a participation of fifteen dollars for the year is requested.
Students from different levels are all accepting: freshman, sophomore, junior and even senior.
Cooking classes will start on Thursday october ten at three thirty pm. They will happen later every Thursday.
I advise you to join this club, you won't regret it.
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