En anglais,Imaginez que vous vouliez parler à votre père dans son bureau. Sa secrétaire vous parle. Écrivez votre conversation avec elle. Donnez un nom à chaque personnage et allez à la ligne à chaque fois qu'ils changent. N'oubliez pas d'utiliser des salutations polies et de vous présenter.
Lista de comentários
Verified answer
- Excuse me Mrs Lonel ?
- Yes Cindy ? What are you looking for ?
- I'm looking for my father. I have to show him something.
- About what ? Because he's really busy right now.
- He has to sign a paper for my school trip and it's tomorrow !
- Why didn't you show him that yesterday ?
- I said it to him that it was really important but he just say that I had to put this on his desk. And he forgot !
- Ok ok, I see. Give it to me I'll show him the paper and I'll sign. Is it ok ?
- Yes Mrs Lonel. Thank you so much.
- You're welcome Cindy, Goodbye.
- Goodbye!
The end