Je dois écrire un monologue en anglais dans lequel je me plain. Je dois me plaindre de n'importe qui mais il faut que se soit original et comprenne des obligation, interdiction, contrainte, et expression comme: j'en ai mare, sa me saoul, ect. Cela doit parler de ma vie (ou la votre) de tout les jours et si possible être drôle. (environ 10ligne) Je sais que j'en demande beaucoup mais c'est très important et urgent!!!! Merci beaucoup d'avance!
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I hate dressing myself ! This is so annoying and boring ! I never know wich clothes I should wear . Everytime I pick up some clothes, I look at myself in a mirror and change immediatly . Once it's too big, then too little, the colors aren't beautiful, It's too slim and then too large . I never found my second sock, and I loose a lot of time . And when I get downstairs, someone look at me and say that I should change the clothes I'm wearing because something's wrong. So I get upstairs and spend thirty minutes to find something else to put on me. And when everything is finally okay, I go outside and realise that it's raining and all my clothes are wet, and I have to change of clothes again ... Honnestly, I think I will wear my pyjama everyday now ...
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Honnestly, I think I will wear my pyjama everyday now ...