January 2021 1 92 Report
En allemand on a cette expression a ffaire:
meine perfekte Reise
imagine et raconte le voyage de tes réves en respectant les contraintes suivantes:
Utiliser les amorces données et t'exprimer au conditionnel
aborder toutes les question intéressantes: moment durée, destination,moyen de transport,hébergement, accompagnateur, actvité ( utiliser cour et fiche de vocabulaire)
Justifier les chois
structurer ton texte: Faire une introduction, une conclusion, un dévellopement mis en valeur par des paragraphes ou tu regroupes tes idées par thèmes ( ne pas passer du coq a l'âne!)
Respecter la quantité demandé: au moins 80 mots ( 10 ligne et tu peux dépasser)

Bien sur tu dois aussi:
Soigner la propreté et la lisibilité de ton travail
Ne pas oublier ton nom et le titre de la production écrite
compté tes mots et en iniquer le total de ton texte
corriger les erreurs éventuelle ( controles tes verbes)

Parler d'un souhait, d'un reve : utiliser le conditionnel:
Ich wurde so gern + inf sans zu : je voudrais tellement
Am liebsten möchte ich + inf sans zu
Es wâre toll zu +inf :Ce serait génial de
Es wâre so schôn ,wenn +inf +wurde ( ou wäre/hätte/könnte )
ich würde mich freuenzu
Ich wûrde mich freuen, wenn : je serais tellem'nt content si
cf voir tableau des auxilliraires et des modaux

Expliquer, justifier son point de vue , ses idée
Weil + vF Parceque
Denn + sujet + verbe car
sujet + verbe + nämlich : en effet,
Silvouplait aider moi j'ai recopié la fiche
ou donné moi un exemple de paragraphe
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Vous pouviez regarder si il y a des fautes en anglais ? sur ce texte: ,! New yorks Times Once upon a time was created a old movie based on a famous book: Annimal Farm, written in 1952. Thanks to the uses of technicolor, they could retranscribe the book into a new and modern Film. But is it nowadays worthwile to be seen? Otherwise, is this just another bad adaptation? That's why why I wrote this article and I'm here to explain you this 2.0 Farm! Characters in the movies are easy-looking? . You can recognize really easily who is the devil charachter or which one would be foolish. This is really helpfull, to make this film easier to be understand from children.We have indeed Napoleon, A black birth mark on his screen would mean he is savage against his mates. You can guess, that he will be mischievous protagonist. On the other hand, we have Old Major, an old exhausted pig who wish to revolt against the farm owners, and Mr Jones, one of the only human portrayed inside it as an alcoholic, naughty farmer. The annimals characteristics changed the skin of themself to make them recognizable. Therefore, they changed the plot of the book Inside the plot, the Filmmaker has removed, added or changed somes informations and facts from the book. The movie forgot completely all the things about the ideology : The sugar candy mountain, a new paradise where annimals could go once they were dead and annimalism is even never formulated. Annimals except pigs have nothing upper to grab to explain their motivations and actions.That's why some annimals are simplified: Boxer is only a worker who thinks to work only more without reason ,Squealer looks less viciouser than inside the book. Some characters are even removed such as Mollie who is missing and the cat, who we see only one time in the movie at the beginning. The Story and background is now focus on few points. Beside, it is more centred on other characters like Mr Whymper. We learnt indeed he had became rich and well-known thanks to trading with The Annimal Farm. MERCI :)

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