Me ajudem a responder essa atividade de inglês sobre present continuous ?????
Hello!My name is Gloria Maria. I am at the cell phone at this moment.I´m entering in the Coliseu Restaurant,I´m going to interview Carla Perez.He is eating with his husband.He is singer.Carla and Xandy aren´t drinking a bottle of wine.Carla is ordering salad, chicken and soup because she´s on diet, for dissert papaya and orange. Xandy and I are ordering meat,rice and eggs it´s very delicious, for dessert grapes and melon. The waiter is coming with his tray. Now Carla is driking a cup of tea. I am talking to my boss. Bye.

Retire do texto o que se pede:

1- One auxiliary of Present Continuous___________
2-Rewrite the main verb of the underlined sentence in the infinitive_________
3-One auxiliary of Present Continuous used in plural______________
4-One verb in the gerund form_________________
5-One sentence that has the structure S+AUX+M.V.+C____________________
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