ME AJUDEMMMMM!!!!!!!! (OBS: É MAIS DE UMA RESPOSTA!!!) There are 5 underlined sections in the sentences below. Select the ones that are wrong:( Há cinco seções sublinhados nas frases abaixo. Selecione aqueles que estão erradas:)
(A) Edna worked a lot during her internship.
(B) Bob and Sandy studyed abroad in 2007.
(C) Nadia walkied for an hour at the beach area.
(D) Maria lived in Japan, but now she is back to Spain.
(E) Sue adopttied her kids.
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B-Bob and Dandy studyed abroad in 2007. O correto seria studied .
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As letras B, C e E estão erradas. O certo é studied, walked e adopted.
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O correto seria studied .